A Midlife Journey From Darkness to Greater Self-Love


Inside: Change is difficult on the whole. And being thrust right into a darkish season of life may be painful and scary. However generally, what feels extremely stretching can facilitate private liberation and larger self-love.

At the moment’s visitor shares about her liberating self-discovery journey after hitting a darkish and low level in her early 50s. “It was painful, it was lovely, it was reworking,” she shares. And it led (her) to understanding extra about herself.

Nobody is proof against difficult life seasons. Even when we’ve got a full instrument field of self-care and resilience instruments and we’ve accomplished plenty of laborious development and therapeutic work, we might expertise darkish instances. It’s essential to call that there isn’t any disgrace or judgment on this. It’s merely a part of being human in a really messy world.

And, these instances of darkness (or interior winter seasons) can find yourself being catalysts for large development and freedom.

Julie shares overtly about her journey from A Time of darkness to larger self-love

  • We discuss menopause, suicidal ideas, and in addition how it may be laborious in instances of darkness to achieve out for assist.
  • Empty nest can really feel actually laborious and might embrace plenty of disappointment or grief.
  • Shifting from the story “I am flawed” to self-compassion and larger self-love.
  • Many people search deeper connection however have a rejection wound. But deep connection requires being ourselves somewhat than masking.
  • Stroll towards what lights you up. Having a life vision might help us transfer towards what brings us pleasure.
  • We have to study to listen to our interior voice and develop self-trust. Many people get earnest about this in our 40s or autumn season of life.
  • We speak about a information (coming quickly) “understanding autism in delicate girls.” For now, try these resources for autistic HSPs.

Julie Bjelland, LMFT, is a Licensed Psychotherapist, writer, and founding father of Delicate Empowerment, specializing in excessive sensitivity and adult-diagnosed autism in girls. She loves growing instruments that steadiness our delicate nervous system, scale back challenges, and assist us attain our fullest potential so we might excel in our distinctive abilities. She has created a world hub of in depth assist, together with on-line programs, the Delicate Empowerment Neighborhood—a nurturing sanctuary—a globally top-ranked podcast, articles, free webinars, and extra. Her ardour helps create a world the place variations are embraced as strengths and celebrated. Be taught extra at JulieBjelland.com.

Julie and I’ve related many instances prior to now. Pretty just lately I shared two grief associated shows. You may hearken to them on Julie’s podcast episode 180 and episode 191.

Be a part of me for the total dialog right here:

Krista xo

The Courageous + Stunning Neighborhood is for courageous, growth-minded girls within the center season of life. Summer season Session will allow you to reside with a transparent and joyful sense of objective, do extra of what makes you’re feeling totally alive and thrive in each season! You’ll additionally construct relationships with different girls doing this inspiring work!


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