Appeal to Vanity


Additionally Identified As: Attraction to Snobbery


This fallacy happens when an attraction to self-importance or elitism is taken as proof for a declare. It has the next kind:


Premise 1: V is offered, with the intent to attraction to the self-importance or snobbery of particular person P.

Premise 2: Due to this fact, declare C is true.


That is fallacious as a result of interesting to an individual’s self-importance or snobbery will not be proof.  Such an attraction may be psychologically efficient as a result of individuals may be influenced by a need to think about themselves as a part of an elite group.

Whereas self-importance and snobbery may be ethical flaws, they aren’t in themselves fallacious. It’s their use rather than proof that ends in the fallacy occurring.

This fallacy is usually employed in promoting by making an attempt to encourage buying a product as a result of it’s related to somebody well-known or that having the product in some way makes an individual a part of a particular group. Additionally it is utilized in politics, faith, and related identity-based contexts. For instance, a politician would possibly attempt to encourage their followers to simply accept a declare by asserting that they’re the actual elites as a result of they imagine what they’re saying. Whereas this fallacy may be mixed with Attraction to Group Id in such contexts, they’re completely different. Attraction to Group Id will get its psychological pressure from the constructive emotions the goal has in the direction of the group they establish with whereas the Attraction to Self-importance will get its energy from self-importance or snobbery. If I imagine a declare as a result of I’m proud to be a thinker, then I might be committing an Attraction to Perception. If I settle for a declare as a result of I believe I’m higher than everybody else as a result of I’m a thinker and philosophers are the perfect, then I might be committing an attraction to self-importance.


Protection: Whereas it’s interesting to think about oneself as among the many elite, an attraction to self-importance or snobbery offers no proof for a declare. If somebody is trying to attraction to your self-importance or snobbery, the protection is to ask whether or not there’s any proof for the declare they need you to simply accept. If there’s not, you shouldn’t settle for the declare on the premise of this attraction.


Instance #1

“Ben Affleck wears the best fits. In fact, he buys then on the Harvard Yard Go well with & Baked Bean Emporium. You must too.”


Instance #2

“Such a high-quality watch will not be for everybody, however solely for individuals who can actually respect an imposing time piece. If you’re one of many choose few, chances are you’ll prepare an appointment with considered one of our brokers to debate buying alternatives. We don’t settle for walk-ins.”


Instance #3

“You, my supporters should not simply the elite. You’re the super-elite. Like me. Now we have more cash, and we’re smarter. Our homes are higher. Our boats are a lot nicer. The most effective boats. You’re the super-elite. We’re the super-elite. So, you recognize I’m proper after I say that we want extra gun management. We can’t permit the non-elites to run round with so many weapons.”

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