New and Noteworthy: What I Read This Week—Edition 177


Analysis of the Week

Masks carrying, even at relaxation, appears to increase CO2 to excessive levels.

Consuming extra protein throughout weight reduction staves off muscle loss and increases the overall quality of the diet.

In superior stage kidney illness sufferers, a very low protein diet offers no benefit.

Vitamin B12 deficiency is disastrous for babies (and everybody).

Extra energy, less depression.

The extra species you see on the coast, the better you feel.

New Primal Kitchen Podcasts

Primal Kitchen Podcast Episode 29: Childhood Habits and Preconception Care with Pediatric Naturopathic Physician, Ari Calhoun

Primal Well being Coach Radio: Chandler Walker

Media, Schmedia

I am not optimistic.

Lettuce is the most common cause of meals poisoning.

Attention-grabbing Weblog Posts

Why are we basing food policy on horrible, unknowable, usually incorrect knowledge?

Trees are good.

Social Notes

Because it’s not about the environment.

Let kids be kids (and be taught from them!).

All the pieces Else

If you happen to train, your blood is anti-cancer.

The utility of weirdness.

Issues I’m As much as and In

Archaic revival: Tradition often gets things right.

Agreed: To actually repair diet-related illness, we must look inward.

Attention-grabbing thread: Population genomics in Ancient Eurasia.

I’d be shocked: The Dietary Guidelines committee may tackle ultraprocessed foods.

A tragedy on all fronts: Slavery didn’t even contribute to the rise of the American economy.

Query I’m Asking

Are you bizarre?

Recipe Nook

Time Capsule

One yr in the past (Apr 30 – Might 6)

Remark of the Week

“I don’t like smug, cocky, narcissistic alpha individuals … except they’re my surgeon!”

-Sensible, PaleoProgressive.

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The publish New and Noteworthy: What I Read This Week—Edition 177 appeared first on Mark's Daily Apple.


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