Mango Carrot Ginger Smoothie – Sharon Palmer, The Plant Powered Dietitian


Who loves smoothies? I do know I do! Beautiful mangos is the inspiration for this flavorful, antioxidant-rich smoothie. In celebration of that notably sunny shade of pink-orange-yellow present in mangoes, carrots, and citrus fruits, you may whip up this candy, fruity, vegan, gluten-free smoothie, spiked with a chew of spicy recent ginger. This Mango Carrot Ginger Smoothie is filled with vitamin C, vitamin A, and carotenoid compounds present in yellow-orange fruit and veggies, that are linked to coronary heart well being. Better of all, it solely has 5 elements, and you’ll whiz it up in 7 minutes!

I used a Cara Cara orange, which has a very fairly shade, for this smoothie. However you need to use any sort of orange you’ve readily available.
I picked up these child carrots on the farmers market. Don’t waste your time peeling carrots, take pleasure in all of that fiber and vitamin happening within the plant’s outer floor.



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Mango Carrot Ginger Smoothie

  • Writer:
    The Plant-Powered Dietitian

  • Complete Time:
    7 minutes

  • Yield:
    2 servings 1x

  • Weight loss program:


Flip to nutritious mangos, citrus, carrots and ginger to make this beautiful, scrumptious vegan, gluten-free Mango Carrot Ginger Smoothie in 7 minutes.

  • 1 mango, peeled, sliced into chunks
  • ½ orange, peeled, quartered
  • 1 massive carrot, sliced into massive chunks
  • 1 ½ cups soy milk, plain, unsweetened
  • 1 small (1-inch) piece recent ginger, peeled
  • 6 ice cubes


  1. Place all elements within the container of a blender and course of till clean.
  2. Pour into 2 glasses. Take pleasure in!

  • Prep Time: 7 minutes
  • Class: Smoothie
  • Delicacies: American


  • Serving Measurement: 1 serving
  • Energy: 155
  • Sugar: 25 g
  • Sodium: 72
  • Fats: 2 g
  • Saturated Fats: 0 g
  • Carbohydrates: 33 g
  • Fiber: 5 g
  • Protein: 4 g
  • Ldl cholesterol: 0 mg

Key phrases: vegan smoothie, mango smoothie, wholesome breakfast

I like my Nutribullet for creating so many plant-powered meals, from smoothies to cashew cream and hummus! Get 15% off your order for Nutribullet merchandise by clicking here.

For different plant-based smoothies, take a look at a few of my favorites:

Turmeric Mango Carrot Smoothie
Mermaid Smoothie Bowl
Green CBD Oil Smoothie
Purple Power Blueberry Smoothie
Antioxidant Smoothie

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