Q. What does ‘You only know that the end of an ice pick is pointed, but don’t see that the handle of it is rounded’ mean? – Zen Fools


A. Seen from the angle of the realm of type, all issues are totally different from one another, and nothing is similar as the rest. Nonetheless, after we see issues as they are surely, that’s, from the angle of the realm of vacancy, every thing is similar and nothing is totally different from the rest.

The tip of an ice decide symbolises the realm of type and the deal with of it the realm of vacancy. Because of this we’re so hooked on seeing issues merely from the angle of the realm of type that we fail to notice them from the angle of the realm of vacancy. The aim of Buddhism is to allow individuals to see issues in each methods; the angle of the realm of type and the angle of vacancy.

©Boo Ahm

All writing ©Boo Ahm. All pictures ©Simon Hathaway

#zen #meditation #zenmeditation #enlightened #enlightenment #zenfools #pictures


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