Reflective practice | HealthSkills Blog


In occupational remedy and another well being professions, reflective follow is a crucial a part of skilled scientific exercise. In others – not a lot. And the time period reflective follow has a heap of assumptions hooked up to it, so it might imply various things to completely different individuals.

I assumed I’d unpack a bit about reflective follow right this moment as a result of I feel it must be a part of working with individuals experiencing ache. It helps us get out of our personal mindset (when it’s performed properly), and opens an area for questioning what we do and why we do it – and as you in all probability all know, questioning is a part of who I’m!

Based on Wikipedia (NO! Not an educational supply – however kinda useful on this occasion) “Reflective follow is the flexibility to replicate on one’s actions in order to take a vital stance or angle in the direction of one’s personal follow and that of 1’s friends, partaking in a means of steady adaptation and studying” (Schon, D, 1983). In different phrases, we take an motion then step again from what we’ve performed to critically appraise it. The appraisal is perhaps merely asking “what labored, what didn’t work, what would I do otherwise?” or it is perhaps a extra complicated course of wherein another person helps us to ask these questions or examine what we’ve performed towards a concept or one other manner of working.

I’ll admit that I maintain some skepticism about how properly we do reflective follow (the “we” being us human beings basically). It is because we’re extremely susceptible to cognitive errors akin to anchoring, fee and omission biases, framing effects, availability bias, vested interest bias and groupthink (see Scott, et al., 2017). The sneaky factor about these biases is that they’re implicit: that’s, we frequently are oblivious that we do them. To fight them we have to take deliberate steps, and most of us haven’t been taught how to do that. Even when now we have one other individual to work with as a immediate, we will get caught up in biases and fail to be vital about what we consider as “regular”.

Lilienfeld & Basterfield (2020) agree with me, declaring that reflective follow concept and follow doesn’t draw on an understanding of the difficulties utilizing introspection to turn out to be conscious of biases (as a result of we’re not conscious of those intrinsic biases), that self-assessment typically omits areas wherein we both really feel extremely assured or we’re afraid we don’t know and don’t need to admit we’re struggling, and that we frequently don’t study from expertise. Ooops.

But, there’s sufficient proof to indicate that by using reflective follow, individuals can develop meta-cognitive expertise wherein they verify their very own assumptions, establish gaps of their information, search new info to fill these gaps, then attempt that information out in follow (Ziebart & MacDermid, 2019).

BUT how can we do it, and does it make for higher outcomes for the individuals we hope we assist?

Lilienfeld and Basterfield (2020) supply some concepts – and warning us to not settle for clinician satisfaction with the method of reflective follow with proof of effectiveness. They suggest drawing on analysis understanding debiasing: issues like “take into account the other” or “take into account the choice” as deliberate questions clinicians can ask themselves. Asking clinicians “how would possibly I check out an alternate hunch?” might be a helpful method. Suggesting clinicians and their supervisors/mentors take an “outsider perspective” to step again from their decision-making as ‘disinterested third-party observers’ would possibly assist break via our tendency to miss ordinary practices simply because they’re acquainted (and maybe assist us stay keen to be susceptible and compassionate in the direction of ourselves as a substitute of defensive).

I think clinicians working in ache administration might do properly with an ongoing relationship with a supervisor. Not somebody who holds themselves because the “font of all knowledge”, not a “mentor” who feels liable for shaping therapists into one thing new, however extra as a mirror lens on follow. A impartial however supportive associate who can ask questions like “I’m wondering if we might use this [novel theory] to discover what’s occurring” or “what if we thought of this [opposite theory] for some time to see what we study”.

In conditions the place we’re completely sure of a causal relationship between X and Y, and the place this results in remedy A being the one viable possibility, we probably solely have to replicate on whether or not we’ve performed the appropriate diagnostics. In ache teaching/rehabilitation/administration now we have little certainty, far much less to information us, and an individual experiencing ache. This individual is commonly in a really susceptible place the place they belief us to do the appropriate factor by them. If we fail them by being too sure we’re proper with out being challenged, we will do them an infinite disservice.

Lilienfeld, S. O., & Basterfield, C. (2020). Reflective follow in scientific psychology: Reflections from primary psychological science. Medical Psychology: Science and Apply, 27(4).

Schön, Donald A. (1983). The reflective practitioner: how professionals suppose in motion. New York: Basic Books. ISBN978-0465068746. OCLC8709452.

Scott, I. A., Quickly, J., Elshaug, A. G., & Lindner, R. (2017, Could 15). Countering cognitive biases in minimising low worth care. Medical Journal of Australia, 206(9), 407-411.

Ziebart, C., & MacDermid, J. C. (2019). Reflective Apply in Bodily Remedy: A Scoping Evaluation. Bodily Remedy, 99(8), 1056+.


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