Vallor Wins Covey Award | Daily Nous


Shannon Vallor, professor of philosophy on the College of Edinburgh, holder of the Baillie Gifford Chair within the Ethics of Knowledge and Synthetic Intelligence on the college’s Edinburgh Futures Institute, and director of its Centre for Technomoral Futures, has been named the winner of the 2022 Covey Award.

The Covey Award acknowledges “senior students with a considerable document of revolutionary analysis within the area of computing and philosophy broadly conceived.” It’s awarded by the manager board of the International Association for Computing and Philosophy (IACAP).

In an announcement, IACAP Government Director Steve McKinlay writes: 

The board recognised Professor Vallors vital contribution to our area, each in educational in addition to public spheres during the last 20 years… Professor Vallor’s analysis explores how rising applied sciences reshape human ethical and mental character, and maps the moral challenges and alternatives posed by new makes use of of information and synthetic intelligence. Her work contains advising academia, authorities and trade on the moral design and use of AI. Her present undertaking examines duty gaps within the governance of autonomous methods, as a part of the UKRI Reliable Autonomous Methods programme. She is the writer of Know-how and the Virtues: A Philosophical Information to a Future Price Wanting (Oxford College Press, 2016) and editor of the Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Know-how (2022).She is the recipient of a number of awards for educating, scholarship and public engagement, together with the 2015 World Know-how Award in Ethics.

Professor Vallor will current the Covey Award Keynote deal with on the IACAP 2022 Conference this summer time. An inventory of earlier winners of the Covey award may be discovered here.

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