Meditation is the antidote to Avidyaa


Of all of the obstacles to understanding the Self, Avidyaa is the one on the middle. Avidyaa, or forgetfulness of the Self, is the basis reason behind a human being’s lack of ability to acknowledge his True Nature.

The mechanism of Avidyaa is activated at delivery. Let’s imagine that it’s the human predicament to neglect who we really are as quickly as we develop the power to differentiate I from you. When a toddler begins to see itself as a person with a reputation and a physique, its major notion of actuality occurs by way of the eyes and senses, which might solely see separation.

We expertise this human state of consciousness – the waking state – as a topic referring to the separate objects round us. Thus we develop an identification as an individual, believing in our physique and ideas as our identification and because the supply of our information. Avidyaa, or the forgetfulness of our Supply, the Self, is so full that most individuals by no means query the veracity of their senses’/thoughts’s notion and stay locked into the idea of their particular person existence.

Meditation is the antidote to Avidyaa. Solely within the state of Meditation do we’ve an opportunity to expertise the absorption of the physique/thoughts/senses within the Self. We get to know that the infinite house of the I that is still when all else falls away is who we really are. We all know that we may by no means be separate from the Supply that’s the Self, similar to sunray is rarely separate from its supply, the solar.

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