Date Brownies (for an easier labor!)


I learn a study that confirmed that girls who ate dates within the 4 weeks previous to labor considerably lowered the necessity for induction and interventions in labor. It was a small research, however consuming dates can’t damage, proper?

So I purchased dates.

They usually sat in my pantry for every week, untouched.

I spotted I wanted one thing a bit extra attractive to make myself eat dates (the ladies within the research at 6 dates per day). I’ve had ridiculous candy cravings all through most of my being pregnant, so why not take the dates and make them into brownies?

It didn’t take me lengthy to get by way of a whole container of dates this fashion 🙂

Date Brownies 

  • 2 cups pitted dates
  • 1 1/2 cups walnuts (I toasted mine previous to convey out a nuttier taste)
  • 3 tablespoons cocoa or cacao powder
  • 5 tablespoons chocolate whey protein (I used Naked Nutrition)
  • 1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
  • 1 tablespoon date water
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1/8 cup chocolate chips (optionally available)
  1. Soak the dates in scorching water for quarter-hour. Reserve 1 tablespoon of the date water. Whereas the dates are soaking, toast the walnuts in a pan over medium warmth for five minutes or till toasty and aromatic. 
  2. Mix all elements within the meals processor and course of till easy.
  3. Switch dough to a small loaf pan and press firmly till evenly distributed. Prime with chocolate chips and a sprinkle of sea salt (optionally available).
  4. Refrigerate for a minimum of 2 hours to set.

And as for serving to with a better labor… I’ll let you understand what occurs!

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