Refusal to Generalize


Additionally Identified As: Unhealthy Apple Fallacy


This fallacy entails uncritically dismissing a big variety of examples or statistical proof with out adequately contemplating whether or not they would assist a common declare. It has the next common kind:


Premise 1: A major variety of examples or statistical proof exist for generalization G.

Premise 2: The examples or statistical proof is dismissed.

Conclusion: G is fake.


That is fallacious as a result of dismissing, with out justification, a big variety of examples or statistical proof doesn’t show {that a} declare is fake. Refusing to think about such proof for a common declare is as a lot a fallacy as leaping from insufficient proof to accepting a common declare.

Since this fallacy has no logical drive, its persuasive energy should come from psychological sources. For instance, somebody who doesn’t need to imagine a common declare have a tendency to just accept this fallacy. This fallacy can be utilized together with others. For instance, somebody would possibly use an Advert Hominem assault to undermine the supply of the examples, proof or pattern they’re dismissing. As one other instance, somebody may additionally fall for Wishful Considering when rejecting a common declare they need to be false.

This fallacy is most utilized in dangerous religion; the individual utilizing it’s deliberately refusing to generalize. It will also be utilized in good religion, in instances of ignorance or carelessness. For instance, somebody would possibly observe instance after instance of issues of their group, but not grasp the implications of getting so many issues.

The fallacy additionally happens when an individual explicitly refuses to just accept an sufficient pattern. An sufficient pattern is one that’s giant sufficient and consultant sufficient to create a powerful inductive generalization. This may be seen as the other of a Hasty Generalization (accepting a conclusion primarily based on a pattern that’s too small). It has this manner.


Premise 1: Pattern S adequately helps generalization G.

Premise 2: S is ignored

Conclusion: G is just not true.


That is poor reasoning as a result of ignoring an sufficient pattern doesn’t disprove a common declare. That is one case through which the error does point out that the conclusion of a fallacy might be false. If G is supported by a powerful inductive generalization, then it’s in all probability true. There’s a model of this fallacy through which proof is explicitly thought of however is defined away; that is the Unhealthy Apple Fallacy.

The Unhealthy Apple Fallacy happens when a big variety of examples or statistical proof for a common declare is rejected by explaining away the examples or proof as being uncommon instances, remoted incidents, or dangerous apples. It has the next two varieties:


Premise 1: A major variety of examples or statistical proof exist for generalization G.

Premise 2: The examples or statistical proof is defined away as being uncommon instances, remoted incidents, or dangerous apples.

Conclusion: G is fake.


Premise 1: Pattern S adequately helps generalization G.

Premise 2: S is defined away as being made up of uncommon instances, remoted incidents, or dangerous apples.

Conclusion: G is just not true.


The fallacy can happen when it’s uncritically assumed that explaining the examples or proof away disproves the final declare. On this case, the individual committing the fallacy is just not taking due care when rejecting the proof. This may be achieved in good religion ignorance. As with all fallacy, the conclusion may transform true; the issue is that it’s not justified by the premises. If the examples or proof is correctly assessed and located to be insufficient, then this may not be fallacious reasoning.

The fallacy also can happen in dangerous religion when the individual committing it’s mendacity concerning the examples, statistical proof or pattern being made up of uncommon instances, remoted incidents, or dangerous apples. On this case, the error of reasoning is joined by the act of deceit. This tactic will be very efficient when the audience is unaware of the proof or needs to imagine the conclusion.

For instance, somebody won’t need to imagine that sexual assault is an issue in United States army and therefore be inclined to reject examples and knowledge as remoted incidents or just a few dangerous apples.

Using the phrase “just a few dangerous apples” is standard when somebody commits this fallacy whereas trying to elucidate away or dismiss proof or examples of dangerous conduct. This may be an efficient rhetorical technique. When the individual admits that there have been issues, they will appear cheap and create a extra defensible place: they aren’t claiming that there aren’t any issues. Explaining away or dismissing the issues as dangerous apples will be interesting, particularly when the audience is unaware of the information or already inclined to need to reject the final declare, maybe due to a positive or unfavorable view of the topic of the generalization.  Sarcastically, whereas the dangerous apple phrase is used to assert that there’s not a common downside, the unique phrase is “one bad apple spoils the whole barrel.”



Protection: The principle protection towards inflicting this fallacy on your self is to watch out about rejecting examples or statistical proof too rapidly. Whereas it’s an error to hurry to a Hasty Generalization or settle for Anecdotal Proof, being excessively cautious about generalizing can result in committing this fallacy.

To keep away from falling for this fallacy when utilized by others, the protection is to think about whether or not they’re dismissing examples, statistical proof, or a seemingly sufficient pattern with out due care. Whereas phrases reminiscent of “remoted incidents” and “dangerous apples” can be utilized in good religion, these phrases will be purple flags indicating that the fallacy is being employed. If there are repeated “remoted incidents” and a barrel of “dangerous apples” being dismissed, then this means that the fallacy is being dedicated deliberately.


Instance #1

Reporter: “Your opponent says they assist police reform as a result of they’re involved with the variety of instances involving extreme use of drive, together with deadly drive. What’s your reply?”

Senator Wiggum: “Whereas there have been regrettable incidents, these are very uncommon and no purpose to be anxious about policing generally. That’s the reason I assist re-funding the police.”

Reporter: “What about all of the incidents which were reported and documented?”

Senator Wiggum: “These are simply dangerous apples.”

Reporter: “That appears extra like a spoiled barrel.”

Senator Wiggum: “Hah. Faux information.”


Instance #2

Reporter: “Your opponent says they assist laws that can forbid insider buying and selling by members of congress. What do you consider that?”

Speaker Nancy: “Whereas there have been some unlucky incidents, these are very uncommon and no purpose to be anxious. The prevailing legal guidelines are working.”

Reporter: “What about all of the incidents which were reported and documented?

Speaker Nancy: “These are only a few dangerous apples.”

Reporter: “That appears extra like a spoiled barrel.”

Speaker Nancy: “Hah.”


Instance #3

Malcolm: “Racism continues to be a major problem in America.”

Jefferson: “I agree it was an issue within the Nineteen Sixties, however there’s not a lot racism at this time.”

Malcolm: “I’ve complied a database of proof, full with documentation and cited sources. When you’ve got just a few hours, you’ll be able to skim by way of it.”

Jefferson: “Properly, in a giant nation there can be some racists. However racism is just not a giant downside at this time.”


Instance #4

Malcolm: “Males face some critical issues at this time.”

Lacy: “Oh God, are you going to enter some rant about how males are the actual victims?”

Malcolm: “No. My level is that males face some critical points as a result of they’re males. I’m not downplaying the issues girls face. However I feel that points involving males reminiscent of violence, wages, schooling, and parental rights are sometimes ignored.  I’ve complied a database of proof, full with documentation and cited sources. When you’ve got just a few hours, you’ll be able to skim by way of it.”

Lacy: “Properly, in a giant nation some males will face actual issues. However it’s absurd to assume that males, generally, face such issues. I imply, this can be a patriarchy. Males have it straightforward.”


Instance #5

Harvey: “I’m involved concerning the variety of birds being killed by wind generators.”

Celina: “Oh, just a few birds do get killed from time to time. That’s unhappy, however hardly a bloodbath.”

Harvey: “I’ve seen some credible estimates that place it over 200,000 per 12 months. And which may simply be a pattern. There could possibly be much more.”

Celina: “That sounds means too excessive. I’m certain that it simply hypothesis by individuals who hate renewable vitality or are being paid by the fossil gas trade.”

Harvey: “At the least have a look at the info.”

Celina: “Nah, I’m certain it’s biased.”

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