How to Do the Dumbbell Flye for a Complete Chest


The bench press is seen because the go-to chest train by many lifters trying to construct a well-rounded set of pecs, but it surely has some limitations. Most importantly, it’s not really a “chest” exercise. It’s a “chest, shoulders, and triceps” train as a result of it’s a compound (multi-joint) motion and it lacks the power to successfully goal a single muscle.

That is the place isolation (single-joint) workout routines can shine. The dumbbell flye is likely one of the most effective workout routines to actually zero in on the chest. It emphasizes growth of your pecs whereas creating much less total demand and decrease basic fatigue in different muscle mass. Right here’s why it is best to add this bodybuilding staple to your chest workout.

Learn how to Do the Dumbbell Flye

The dumbbell flye’s vary of movement strikes the weights additional away out of your physique’s midline, which permits gravity to ship a fair higher problem to the muscle within the eccentric (reducing) portion of the elevate.

Step 1 — Set Up On the Bench

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Lie on a flat bench whereas bringing a pair of dumbbells to your chest with bent arms, tucking your elbows to your sides. Hold your toes flat on the ground, set barely wider than your hips. Press the weights above your chest along with your palms dealing with one another. Hold your head involved with the bench.

Barely bend your arms. Retract your shoulder blades by pinching them collectively and keep this place all through every rep.

Type Tip: Earlier than starting every rep, take one or two seconds to “reset” within the high place and guarantee that your physique is correctly in place.

Step 2 — Decrease the Weights right into a Stretch

Man on bench in gym lowering dumbbells
Credit score: Andrey_Popov / Shutterstock

As a result of it is a flye, not a press, preserve your elbows at a constant angle all through the motion. Slowly decrease the dumbbells out to the aspect till your arms are parallel with the ground and your palms are dealing with up.

Your elbows ought to find yourself consistent with your shoulders. Pause briefly within the backside place to considerably stretch your pecs.

Type Tip: The underside place of the flye is the place most accidents happen as a result of your joints are naturally most susceptible as a result of poor leverage. It is very important stay secure by driving your toes into the bottom to extend your stability. Managing your respiration can even assist. Maintain your breath as you decrease the burden, breathe out as you convey the burden again up, and inhale earlier than reducing the burden once more.

Step 3 — Elevate the Weights to Full Contraction

Man in gym on flat bench lifting dumbbells
Credit score: Andrey_Popov / Shutterstock

Together with your abs and higher again muscle mass engaged and your decrease physique driving into the bottom, take into consideration pulling your elbows and higher arms throughout your chest.

Make sure to preserve your arms at a constant angle. In the event that they’re bending and straightening excessively, you’re utilizing your triceps, not your chest, to maneuver the burden.

Type Tip: As you come to the highest, think about that you’re giving somebody a bear hug. This movement will assist to maintain your arms and shoulders in a superb place and it helps to totally shorten the pecs as you attain the highest place.

Dumbbell Flye Errors to Keep away from

The dumbbell flye takes some focus to yield most advantages. This additionally means it’s extremely necessary to nail the technical part in an effort to decrease the chance of accidents occurring.

Lifting With Your Arms

Some of the frequent errors is popping the dumbbell flye into the dumbbell bench press. Whereas the press will be an efficient train by itself, it recruits extra muscle mass on the expense of chest emphasis.

Man outdoors on flat bench lifting dumbbells
Credit score: MDV Edwards / Shutterstock

Bending your arms will scale back total stress on the chest muscle, stopping the flye from stimulating most muscle development.

Keep away from It: Keep a barely bent arm all through all the train. Within the backside place, your fingers ought to be prolonged away out of your shoulders, not close to your shoulder in a urgent place.

Lack of Stability

Some lifters will go away their legs fully relaxed, pointed on their toes, or raised fully within the air. This de-stabilizes your physique and makes you much less efficient at performing this train as a result of a scarcity of stability from the bottom up.

Woman in gym performing dumbbell flye
Credit score: BLACKDAY / Shutterstock

When your physique is unstable, your muscle mass can’t produce adequate pressure or keep muscular stress. This creates a poor stimulus for development.

Keep away from It: Your legs will let you create a base of help for extra total-body stability throughout every rep. Which means that it is possible for you to to create extra stress on the goal muscle and use barely extra weight. Keep flat-footed and drive your toes into the bottom in the course of the rep.

Lifting Too Quick or Too Heavy

This error is extra typically related to folks new to coaching and haven’t but mastered flye method or those that rush by way of reps and use careless method.

Man in gym performing dumbbell exercise on bench
Credit score: Slatan / Shutterstock

Common poor kind, excessively quick reps, or heavy weights can all result in a major quantity of pressure on the shoulder and elbow joints. This will additionally happen when the arms are locked straight in the course of the train.

Keep away from it: Holding your elbows softly bent from begin to end. If the burden is simply too heavy, your arms will instinctively bend an excessive amount of to shift the burden. Taking a quick pause within the high place can decelerate your reps and guarantee your kind stays on level.

Advantages of the Dumbbell Flye

The dumbbell flye is exclusive as a result of it lets you problem the pecs considerably by way of the eccentric portion of every rep, making the muscle contract more durable in a stretched place.

Man in gym stretching chest with dumbbells
Credit score: MDV Edwards / Shutterstock

The dumbbell flye places the chest underneath a major stretch, adopted by an intense contraction. That’s a profitable mixture for muscle development.

Difficult The Lengthened Vary

The dumbbell flye triggers muscular development by emphasizing stress on the pecs within the stretched place. Taking two to a few seconds to decrease the burden will problem the muscle within the lengthened vary, which can result in elevated muscle protein synthesis. (1)

That is in distinction to workout routines that are more difficult within the contracted vary, corresponding to a pec-deck machine or cable crossover.

Muscle tissues Labored by the Dumbbell Flye

As an isolation train, the dumbbell flye focuses most stress on only one muscle — the chest. A number of smaller muscle mass are recruited as nicely, however not as a main mover.

Muscular man flexing chest and abs
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Some lifters de-prioritize isolation workout routines just like the dumbbell flye and overfocus on multi-joint actions. That strategy can create lagging muscle teams that are under-trained as a result of a number of physique components are always working with out regard to balanced growth.


The pectoralis main covers all the chest. Its two heads, the sternal (mid-chest) and the clavicular (higher chest) are each recruited in the course of the train. One of many features of the pecs is to adduct the higher arm — bringing the higher arm towards the physique’s centerline — which is strictly the motion carried out in the course of the flye.

Anterior Deltoids

The entrance muscle of the shoulder, the anterior delt, is the muscle that assists the pecs in performing the flye movement. When you really feel your delts are being labored greater than your pecs, lower the burden and deal with feeling the chest muscle mass contract and stretch, whereas your shoulder stabilizes the weights. Additionally deal with retaining your palms dealing with up. Don’t enable your fingers to rotate in the course of the motion. 


Whereas your delts help your pecs, the biceps are additionally engaged and put underneath stress because of the barely bent arm place. The biceps work to take care of elbow place and stabilize your decrease arm (and the dumbbell) in the course of the motion.

The biceps are labored statically since you shouldn’t be curling the weight throughout a dumbbell flye.

Who Ought to Do the Dumbbell Flye

The dumbbell flye is a traditional muscle-building train. Any lifter trying to maximize their chest growth ought to be implementing the motion into their programming. Because of the prolonged arm place and unfavorable leverages, the train is just not well-suited to move heavy weights safely.

Physique Fanatics

This sort of isolation train will help in growing muscle measurement and symmetry of the pecs. The dumbbell flye permits the pecs to work with minimal involvement of different muscle mass, making it an efficient approach to emphasize the chest.

Learn how to Program the Dumbbell Flye

To prioritize muscle development, the dumbbell flye ought to be programmed as a secondary train after your major chest urgent. It can be used as a finisher on the finish of the exercise to fully fatigue the muscle fibers recruited in the course of the session.

Average Weight, Average Repetition

Utilizing a typical bodybuilding strategy of three to 4 units within the six to 12 rep vary will help in driving up coaching quantity for the pecs, which performs a major function in constructing muscle. (2)

Low Weight, Excessive Repetition

Utilizing a lighter weight for two to a few units within the 13 to twenty rep vary is an effective way to observe dumbbell flye method, particularly if you first incorporate it into your routine. This strategy will nonetheless enable an total improve in coaching quantity, encouraging muscle development.

Dumbbell Flye Variations

Beneath are two variations which you can swap into your exercises when you’ve mastered normal dumbbell flyes. Whereas the workout routines are nonetheless very related in nature, the delicate variations in physique positioning, vary of movement, and muscle recruitment can proceed to enhance pec growth.

Dumbbell Foam Curler Flye 

Mendacity on a foam curler as a substitute of a flat bench can enhance your means to retract your shoulder blades into the froth curler itself, as a result of the curler is extra slender than the bench, which allows the shoulder blades to maneuver extra freely.

As a result of the froth curler is spherical and will wish to transfer beneath your physique, it forces you to make use of extra management in the course of the train, which might help to maintain your shoulders wholesome and secure.

Incline Dumbbell Flye

Utilizing a bench set at an inclined angle will shift the main focus of the stretch to the clavicular (higher pec) head of the chest.

Though the vary of movement on the shoulder joint will likely be barely lower than the flat bench as a result of the arms transfer at a special angle, it’s nonetheless necessary to work by way of the lively vary of movement in which you’ll keep stress on the pecs. Decrease the burden so far as potential with out aggressively stretching the chest and shoulders, and elevate to a full contraction.

Dumbbell Flye Options

Some lifters could also be unable to carry out dumbbell flyes, both as a result of mobility points, joint ache, or different individualized components. There are a number of alternate options that can equally strengthen and construct your chest.

Cable Crossovers

The cable crossover, or standing cable flye, is similar single-joint motion sample because the dumbbell flye with two main variations. First, the cable pulley system will be adjusted to various heights and a wide range of arm positions can be utilized. These slight variations enable “customization” of the motion to accommodate shoulder mobility points.

Secondly, the cable machine doesn’t depend on gravity or leverage like a dumbbell flye, so it applies fixed stress to the chest all through each a part of the rep. This stress additionally lets you improve the vary of movement by crossing your fingers over one another within the contracted place, which might help you to really feel the muscle working extra, and perceive the right way to absolutely interact your pecs on any train.


The “infamous” pec-deck machine is a staple in any industrial health club, however frequent misuse has constructed its unfair fame as a shoulder-killer. This dumbbell flye various reduces the necessity for total-body stability because of the seated and supported place.

Nonetheless, this added help doesn’t imply you’ll be able to overload the motion with heavy weights. The pec-deck is greatest used to complete off the chest muscle mass after you’ve already accomplished your main lifts.


What ought to I do if my shoulder hurts once I carry out this train?

Cease performing the train instantly. When you really feel ache or discomfort throughout a motion, don’t “soldier on” and push by way of ache to complete your set.

Ache might not essentially imply you’ve an harm, but it surely may very well be a warning signal and may really spotlight some areas of weak spot which might flip into larger points if left unaddressed. Consulting with a medical skilled is a good suggestion.

Can I take advantage of dumbbell flyes in each chest exercise?

You can, as a result of it’s an efficient and direct chest-training train. Nonetheless, to stimulate total pec growth and keep away from stagnation, it may be simpler to rotate variations of the flye frequently. Change the motion each eight to 12 weeks or everytime you really feel you can’t proceed safely progressing in weight.

Flyes for Dimension

The bench press is likely to be the meat and potatoes of many chest exercises, however dumbbell flyes are a necessary isolation train if you’re after a extra muscular chest. The usually-overlooked isolation train makes it simpler to crank up the pec-training quantity with targeted precision.


  1. Schoenfeld, Brad MSc, CSCS The Use of Specialised Coaching Strategies to Maximize Muscle Hypertrophy, Power and Conditioning Journal: August 2011 – Quantity 33 – Difficulty 4 – p 60-65 doi: 10.1519/SSC.0b013e3182221ec2 
  2. Schoenfeld, B. J., Contreras, B., Krieger, J., Grgic, J., Delcastillo, Ok., Belliard, R., & Alto, A. (2019). Resistance Coaching Quantity Enhances Muscle Hypertrophy however Not Power in Skilled Males. Medication and science in sports activities and train, 51(1), 94–103.

Featured Picture: MDV Edwards / Shutterstock


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