How You Can Stop Overeating and Be More Mindful at Meals


Do you ever end up feeling a bit too full or consuming whenever you’re not likely hungry, however on the identical time, you’re struggling to cease overeating? 

All of us overeat generally, that’s regular and anticipated! We’re not excellent, that’s not the objective. Nevertheless, when you acknowledge that overeating is constantly current in your life, it’s additionally vital to deal with it and learn to scale back overeating as a result of it’s not supporting you.

Persistently overeating can bodily go away you feeling unwell and extra disconnected out of your needs and desires. It can be an indication that you just haven’t decided the best way to follow wholesome, balanced eating in a method that works uniquely effectively for you.

Right here you’ll be taught why overeating will be so frequent, plus a couple of practices to start out utilizing that will help you cease overeating.

Learn how to Cease Overeating

We frequently get requested, “What ought to  I do to cease overeating?”, “How do I cease overeating at meals?”, and extra particularly, “What’s one of the best ways to cease overeating at dinner?”. 

I’ve hours of classes inside my program, the Aware Diet Technique™, that dive into the best way to create supportive consuming habits. However with that mentioned, I need to share a couple of easy suggestions with you you could begin training when you’re questioning the best way to cease overeating. 

1. Maintain a Reflective Journal

One of many first steps in overcoming overeating is to know why you’re overeating.

Many individuals suppose it’s as a result of they’ve a powerful sweet tooth or as a result of they’ve a scarcity of self-control, however that’s often not the case. Understanding your private consuming habits and tendencies will help you to find the true trigger so you possibly can deal with it.

For instance, one pupil of our Aware Diet Technique™ program seen she was actually solely overeating within the evenings. She knew wanted to raised perceive what was the reason for that, so she used a reflective journal to assist her try this.

A reflective journal isn’t about tracking calories or controlling what you eat. The aim is to know your consuming habits and tendencies. For instance, you might monitor and ask your self the next questions, “How are my stress ranges on the times that I overeat?”, “How am I feeling emotionally after I overeat?”, “What did my consuming patterns seem like all through the day previous to overeating (i.e. did I undereat, overlook so as to add protein, fats or starchy carbohydrates, and many others.)?”.

This lets you determine frequent patterns so you possibly can decide what’s working and what’s not working. This consciousness helps you make changes to the best way you’re feeling and due to this fact consuming, so you possibly can in the end cease overeating. 

2. Dive Deeper Into What Causes Overeating

After bringing consciousness to your distinctive consuming habits by journaling, you’ll begin to discover your patterns round overeating. That is what is going to assist you to determine the foundation trigger.

For our Aware Diet Technique™ pupil that I discussed earlier, she seen she was overeating within the evenings. After utilizing a reflective meals journal, she was in a position to discover that she tended to overeat on the times she was on the library finding out. After studying in regards to the causes of overeating, she realized she wasn’t consuming sufficient all through the day when she was finding out. She usually solely packed a protein bar as a snack. She was unintentionally going from breakfast till dinner with out consuming something in any respect! Leaving her feeling ravenous by the point she obtained house, therefore the overeating.

Upon getting this heightened consciousness, you possibly can then give attention to actions that can assist you to navigate these conditions.

Listed here are some frequent causes individuals are inclined to overeat. You need to use these in your journaling and reflections to see if any of those are frequent in your life.


One of many easiest causes you might be overeating is since you’re distracted.

If you’re distracted or mindlessly eating, you aren’t absolutely current to expertise your meals — to totally take pleasure in it or discover the place your starvation ranges are.

This usually occurs whenever you’re in your cellphone, watching TV, at your desk working, driving, speeding to get from one process to the subsequent, ruminating over ideas in your thoughts, feeling zoned out, or doing anything whereas consuming.

If you decelerate and take away distractions out of your meals, you’re in a position to extra consciously expertise your meals. Corresponding to the best way the meals tastes, the way it feels, what it seems to be like, and the way it smells. In addition to how a lot you’re having fun with it, what your starvation cues are, and the way your physique feels earlier than, throughout, and after a meal.

A key a part of studying the best way to cease overeating might be to learn to eat with out distraction so that you will be absolutely current.

Emotional Consuming

One other frequent motive is emotional eating. Feelings like boredom and stress are one thing many individuals expertise frequently. Many individuals additionally use meals as a method to manage. This might seem like reaching for snacks within the night whenever you’re watching TV, or like getting house after a protracted, aggravating day and feeling known as to eat consolation meals.

Different feelings like grief, frustration, anger, irritability, loneliness, and anxiousness may contribute to emotional consuming.

Situational or Environmental Triggers

Your setting can also instigate overeating. Environmental triggers are particular conditions or locations that create an urge to overeat.

Widespread examples of this will embody going to the flicks and ordering popcorn, grabbing a handful of sweet from the bowl by the workplace break room, or just going out to eat. These conditions and environments can ship messages to you that it is best to eat. Typically it may be difficult to recollect to verify in with your self and spot whether or not or not you’re actually hungry, or if exterior elements are guiding your consuming.

Are you able to consider an environmental set off that you just notice causes you to overeat?

Having Meals which can be “Off-Limits”

One other issue that contributes to overeating is you probably have foods that you avoid.

In case you’ve ever been on a food regimen earlier than, this would possibly sound like a well-known state of affairs. You exit to eat or attend a social gathering whereas on a food regimen and are supplied meals you “can’t have”. This more and more makes you hyperaware, hypersensitive and centered on that meals merchandise.

If you’re face-to-face with these meals, you might then expertise a shortage mindset. This causes you to need to overindulge in that meals since you don’t know when or the way you’ll be capable of have it once more. That is all attributable to the truth that you’ve merely labeled it “off-limits”, somewhat than permitting your self to take pleasure in a serving and be glad.

You Aren’t In-Tune With Your Starvation Alerts

One of many major practices we educate right here at Diet Stripped is the best way to learn your physique’s hunger signals. These indicators information you to know what to eat, when to eat, and the way a lot to eat. This ability takes endurance and follow to be taught as a result of it’s not fairly so simple as, “eat whenever you’re hungry and don’t whenever you’re not”. In case you aren’t efficiently utilizing your starvation ranges to information your portion sizes, you might be overeating.

You Went too Lengthy With out Consuming 

We solely have a lot willpower to make use of earlier than it runs out. After we wait an prolonged time period to eat, our starvation cues ultimately take over which ends up in overeating meals.

Let’s use the time interval between lunch and dinner for example. When you’ve got lunch at 12:00 pm, then don’t eat something till you get house and begin to put together dinner at 6:00 pm, likelihood is you’re going to be famished.

For most individuals, at this level, we expertise no less than a minor lack of management. As quickly as we see and even odor meals, our starvation cues shoot by the roof and our our bodies are on the lookout for something and the whole lot to eat.

This usually results in overeating in an try and make up for hours with out meals.

Your Meals Aren’t Nicely-Balanced 

Every of the macronutrients serves a special function, which is why utilizing our Foundational Five system is essential to avoiding overeating. Whereas some are supposed to give us vitality, others are supposed to maintain us full.

If we keep a food regimen that’s constantly low in vitamins that present us with satiety, we are able to usually perpetually overeat. This happens after we keep a food regimen primarily void of wholesome fats and/or protein.

In case you don’t have the fitting stability of macronutrients in your plate, this will additionally trigger blood sugar spikes, which might trigger you to really feel hungry even whenever you ate not that way back. It could additionally outcome within the growth of cravings for sugary meals.

Lack of Sleep

A superb night time’s sleep permits the physique to replenish, reenergize and recuperate for the next day. One poor night time of sleep received’t do a lot hurt, however a perpetual lack of sleep can begin to wreak havoc on the physique.

When sleep-deprived, the starvation and satiety hormones ghrelin and leptin can get out of whack. This may end up in extreme cravings, starvation cues, and an elevated urge for food over time.

3. Determine What Motion to Take to Cease Overeating

A standard try and cease overeating is restriction. The thought course of might look one thing like this, “I at all times overeat chocolate, I’ve no self-control. I’m simply not going to purchase it anymore or have it in any respect, so I don’t even have the chance to overeat it.”. 

Possibly you’ve skilled one thing related. Possibly you end up overeating whenever you exit for lady’s night time, so that you determine it’s greatest to only keep away from going out to dinner with your mates.

Not solely do this stuff not clear up the foundation reason for the issue, however they’ll truly heighten overeating whenever you inevitably are confronted with that meals or setting once more. On prime of that, it could convey up quite a lot of feelings. Guilt, disgrace, unhappiness, and despair are frequent on account of separating your self from buddies, members of the family, or experiences you inherently take pleasure in. 

If you’re studying the best way to cease overeating, avoiding meals or conditions isn’t going to help you in undertaking that in the long term.

What’s most vital is to deal with the foundation reason for overeating in a supportive method. That method you don’t really feel restricted and also you’re in a position to maintain it. 

It will look totally different for everybody as a result of we’re all so distinctive. The secret’s exploring what these practices are that will each deal with the foundation trigger and in addition really feel actually supportive and aligned together with your life.

How You Can Cease Overeating in Your Every day Life

Which follow is resonating essentially the most with you that you may give a do that week? The secret’s to start out taking small steps with the information you’ve simply gained.

With that mentioned, all of us want a bit help and accountability generally. If you end up in want of help to cease overeating, we’re right here to be simply that for you. Signal as much as watch my free masterclass right this moment, the place you’ll be taught in regards to the #1 Behavior That Retains You Struggling With Your Relationship With Meals — And How To Break Free From The Food regimen And Meals Obsession Beginning Now. 

You don’t must stress and obsess about meals or overeating. There’s a higher method, and sure it’s potential to domesticate a constructive relationship with meals! Be a part of this free balanced consuming masterclass to learn the way.

Watch The Free Masterclass

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