In memory of Siba Kripa Bose – The Meditation Blog


The primary president of Acem India, Siba Kripa Bose, handed away on 25th Could 2022

Until his final breath, he remained a passionate lover of nature, yoga, and meditation.

Mr. Bose’s (Dada’s) training included an MA from Utkal College, Bhubaneswar, and a Postgraduate Diploma in International Commerce from the Indian Institute of International Commerce (IIFT), Delhi. After a quick stint as a lecturer in a level school in Odisha, he spent most of his time in Birla Firm, rising to the extent of CEO in one of many firm’s start-up ventures in Nigeria.

After his retirement, he settled in Delhi with assignments in instructing, NGOs, yoga, and meditation.

He got here from an illustrious household. His preliminary grooming got here from his father, Late Raj Krishna Bose, who was a freedom fighter, a detailed affiliate of Mahatma Gandhi, a member of the Constituent Meeting of India, and a minister of the Authorities of Odisha. He used to actively take part within the election campaigning of his father. A lover of nature and wildlife fanatic, he used to remember, with sorrow, his looking adventures within the jungles of Odisha, in his youth.

The picture exhibits Mr Bose at his farm in 2017. For me this picture catches him in essence. All the time kind-hearted to nature and fellow beings. At his farm he actually was in his proper factor!

At Centurion College, Dada based the Acem Centre of Meditation, with the lively collaboration of Acem Founder Dr. Are Holen and Acem India Founder Torbjorn Hobbel. As Chief Mentor, he used to steer the actions associated to the well-being of scholars, college, and employees of the College.

Dada was a key member in conceptualization, design, and improvement of the Klorofeel Basis, dedicated to the development of the standard of college training of kids from the underprivileged society. It’s shifting ahead with Dada’s dream.

Extremely disciplined in bodily train, meditation, meals, and work, Dada used to show throughout him the worth of bodily and psychological wellbeing, by way of easy practices of pranayama, yogic workout routines, satsanga, and doing one’s duties diligently.

Dada lived a wealthy life. His legacy will stay and information us in our journey. As Tagore stated, “Loss of life just isn’t extinguishing the sunshine; it is just placing out the lamp as a result of the daybreak has come.”

Haribandhu Panda, Professor, Vice-Chancellor of Centurion College; Advisor of AIPH College (for Klorofeel Basis)

Picture: Torbjørn Hobbel


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