Seven Sisters (5) – Zen Fools


When the Buddha was alive, seven smart sisters occurred to go a cemetery. One among them, pointing to a lifeless physique, requested the others, “The corpse is right here. The place is the person?” One among them stated, “What? Why? Why?” All of them attained enlightenment upon listening to these phrases. Then, stunned to see them get enlightened, a heavenly God, spraying flowers, stated, “Oh, my superb sisters, what do you want? I can be prepared to offer you no matter you want perpetually.” The sisters answered, “We have now every thing we’d like. However if you wish to assist us, we hope to have three extra issues; one is a tree with no root, one other is a patch of land with out gentle and shade, and the third is a valley that doesn’t make any echo even when we shout.” The heavenly God stated, “I’ve every thing wanted, however I don’t have the three belongings you talked about.” The sisters responded, “In case you don’t have this stuff, how are you going to save individuals from their struggling?” The heavenly God went to the Buddha and requested him in regards to the that means of this stuff. The Buddha answered, “Even my college students who’ve practised lots don’t know the that means of this stuff. Solely Bodhisattvas can know the that means of them.”

Pupil: “Why did the Buddha not point out the that means of the three issues?”

Grasp: “As a result of it can’t be defined with phrases.”


The Buddha didn’t say even a phrase, however he by no means didn’t reply any questions.

©Boo Ahm

All writing ©Boo Ahm. All photos ©Simon Hathaway

#zen #meditation #zenmeditation #enlightened #enlightenment #zenfools #images


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