Best Crock Pot Beef Stroganoff Recipe


This best crock pot beef stroganoff is easy to get started and when it is done cooking it is full of rich, deep flavor with a hint of sweetness from the maple syrup and balsamic vinegar. Everyone I have served this to has practically inhaled it!

I recommend you serve this buffet style and leave the slow cooker ingredients in the slow cooker and have the noodles and sour cream on the side. And possibly mushrooms if everyone in your family doesn’t like mushrooms. That way everyone in your family and can make theirs exactly how they like it.

In our family, my husband can’t eat any sort of noodles so he eats a bowl of meat with veggies on the side. One daughter doesn’t like sour cream so she leaves that off. Some love the juice and some don’t. Some love tons of sour cream and some only want a little.

Healthy Crock Pot Beef Stroganoff Recipe

One of my daughters isn’t a huge meat fan and sometimes goes back for seconds and doesn’t get any meat and only has noodles with butter and Parmesan cheese. I’m the only one who likes mushrooms. I mean, seriously? The best part. Whatever. More for me! But you get the idea. It can be a really flexible meal if you serve it this way.

Tips and Tricks

  • I don’t ever buy stew meat. I buy a roast when it is on a really good sale. The cut depends on who is buying. If I’m shopping I buy a good, fatty marbled roast like a round bottom or eye. If my husband is buying he buys a lean roast like a rump. Just don’t get a top round or one with lots of the sinew/silver skin/membrane/connective tissue because it is a huge pain to get it up when you’ve got that in the mix.
  • Then I cut the roast into bite-size pieces and make my own stew meat. You save on average $2 a pound that way and get the cut of meat you want. If often buy extra meat and cut a few extra pounds and put it in the freezer in gallon size freezer bags to use when a roast isn’t on sale.
  • Sometimes I don’t even bother cutting the roast up. I’ll be lazy and just throw the roast in the freezer right after I buy it and when I’m ready to cook it I’ll throw it in the slow cooker in a frozen hunk instead of the stew meat and add an hour or two to the cooking time. This works especially well for our family since we end up shredding the meat most of the time anyway so no one can even tell any difference in the end anyway.
  • I grew up eating stroganoff with rice and my husband grew up eating it with noodles. Now that I’ve had it with noodles I prefer it that way and it sounds a little weird eating this version with rice but it could be an option for you if that sounds good to you.
  • I personally recommend you add a few spoonfuls of the “juice” from the crock pot to your bowl. It’s good stuff. It should be sold in stores or something.

I would love to know if you try this recipe. Please comment below and let me know what you think!


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Best Crock Pot Beef Stroganoff Recipe

  • Author:
    Rebecca Baron

  • Prep Time:
    15 Minutes

  • Cook Time:
    8 Hours

  • Total Time:
    8 hours 15 minutes

  • Yield:
    6 1x

  • Category:

  • Cuisine:


This beef stroganoff made in the crockpot and healthy and easy to get started and when it is done cooking it is full of rich, deep flavor with a hint of sweetness from the maple syrup and balsamic vinegar. Everyone I have fed this to has practically inhaled it!

Crock Pot Ingredients

  • 1 ½ lb. beef stew meat
  • 1 cup beef stock
  • 2 cups (about 6 oz.) coarsely chopped white mushrooms (optional)
  • 1 medium onion, chopped
  • ¼ cup balsamic vinegar
  • ¼ cup maple syrup *
  • 2 garlic cloves, minced
  • 1 tsp. Real Salt
  • ½ tsp. ground black pepper
  • 1 tsp. dried dill

To Finish


  • Add crock pot ingredients to a 6-quart oval crock pot. Stir well.Add Ingredients to a Slow Cooker
  • Cover and cook on low for 8-10 hours or high for 6-8 hours.

  • When the meat is done cook the noodles according to their package directions.

  • Cut the meat into smaller chunks or shred, if desired.

  • To serve, have each person put the amount of meat, noodles and sour cream they prefer in their own bowl and stir on their own. If some like mushrooms and some don’t you may want to cook them separately add them later.
  • To freeze, put any leftover crock pot meat sauce into freezer containers and freeze. To eat, heat the sauce on the stovetop with a little beef stock added or in the microwave for a few minutes. Add freshly * cooked noodles and sour cream.

Keywords: rich, healthy, easy

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