Metaphysics and beyond – Martha Nussbaum on Aristotle’s indelible ideas


A pupil of Plato and one-time tutor of Alexander the Nice, Aristotle’s writings lie on the basis of recent philosophy – regardless that all that continues to be of his works is only a fraction of his lecture notes. On this interview from 1987, the British broadcaster and populariser of philosophy Bryan Magee speaks with the US thinker Martha Nussbaum, then an rising Aristotle scholar at Brown College, about a few of Aristotle’s most well-known concepts and his enduring affect, together with what number of of his views have been misinterpreted or misunderstood. Particularly, the wide-ranging dialogue touches on why Aristotle believed that we may by no means attain past the scope of our personal expertise, his dissent to Plato’s theory of forms, the groundwork he laid for up to date science, and why he believed there was extra to morality and ethics than easy outcomes of ache or happiness.

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