30-Minute Booty Building Workout (6 Glute Exercises)


Strengthen your legs, glutes and decrease physique with these 6 BEST glute workouts at residence! The last word butt exercise for ladies, focusing on the glute muscular tissues with squats, lunges, step-ups and glute bridges.

You’ve requested, “How do you construct your glutes?” So we created THIS BOOTY BUILDING WORKOUT AT HOME. 

These six glute workouts left my booty sore for 3 days after filming this butt exercise for ladies.

Most of my lower body workouts mix leg workouts that focus on the quads, hamstrings AND glutes. However you’ve been asking for extra “focused” exercises so this can be a glute-specific exercise — AKA a BOOTY BURNOUT!

These six booty constructing, glute workouts prioritize glute activation, as a result of the gluteus maximus is the biggest muscle within the physique!

That signifies that this butt exercise not solely builds your booty, however is an efficient calorie-burning exercise as effectively. The bigger the muscle group, the upper the calorie burn.

single leg step ups, glute exercises at home

Glute Workouts FAQs

Can You Construct Robust Glutes At Residence?

YES! When you consider strengthening your glutes, you most likely take into consideration deadlifts and hip thrusts with a heavy barbell. You may obtain sturdy glutes at residence with only a set of dumbbells utilizing the compound workouts on this exercise. We’re combining energy workouts with highly effective “burnout” workouts on this leg and butt exercise routine.

What Are The Greatest Glute Workouts For Girls?

The most effective glute workouts activate all three elements of the butt — the gluteus maximus, gluteus medius and gluteus minimus (the decrease, higher and facet glutes). A few of my favourite glute workouts embody: weighted step-ups, glute bridges, and single leg workouts (like single leg squats and lunges). This booty exercise incorporates all, in addition to plyometric actions (a motion that includes explosive depth). These actions generate POWER, which will increase calorie burn and results in faster energy good points (International Sports Sciences Association).

This basic glute exercise pairs dumbbell energy workouts with highly effective plyometrics — hey metabolic coaching.

This exercise works the biggest muscle teams in your physique, the legs and glutes; constructing energy whereas additionally elevating your coronary heart fee. 

Exercise Gear:

Medium-to-heavy set of dumbbells and a bench or chair for single leg workouts. 

I like to recommend something between 10 and 25 lbs. I’m utilizing 10 lbs and 12 lb dumbbells on this exercise video.

Store My Dumbbells

I’m utilizing 10, 12 and 15 lb dumbbells for this glute exercise.

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Exercise Directions:

Observe together with the guided Butt Workout on YouTubeled by licensed private coach, Lindsey Bomgren. 

Your Exercise Seems Like This:

  • 6 Glute Workouts (alternating energy workouts with plyometric workouts)
  • Repetition Based mostly and Timed Intervals (carry out 12-16 reps of the energy workouts and 30 seconds of every plyometric transfer)
  • Repeat x4 Units (alternating legs with every set as wanted for single leg workouts)

Exercise Define

  1. STRENGTH: Single Leg Squat
  2. POWER: Single Leg Plyo Lunge
  3. STRENGTH: Step Ups and Rear Leg Raise
  4. POWER: Squat Leap and Lunge Leap
  5. STRENGTH: Bulgarian Lunges
  6. POWER: Glute Bridges

6 Greatest Booty Constructing Glute Workouts

Single Leg Squat

Targets: Glutes, quads, hips, hamstrings and core. Additionally an effective way to strengthen weak knees.

single leg squat with dumbbells

How To Do A Single Leg Squat With Dumbbells

  1. Start in a impartial standing place, ft hip-distance aside. Kick your butt — the place your ft land is your pure slim stance. Maintain a dumbbell in every hand at your sides (palms dealing with your physique).
  2. Kickstand or float your left foot barely behind you as you steadiness in your entrance proper foot, smooth bend in your proper knee. In case your left foot is floating, attempt to preserve ankle by ankle (left ankle by proper ankle).
  3. Have interaction your core as you bend your proper knee down, reducing your hips down whereas concurrently reducing the dumbbells down alongside the entrance of your physique. Sustaining ankle by ankle.
  4. Vary of movement will look totally different for everybody, however attempt for a 90-degree bend in your proper leg.
  5. Then drive by way of your proper heel, squeezing your glute as you come to standing, again as much as the beginning place.

Modification: Kickstand your again leg moderately than floating it. Attempt to preserve 80% of your weight in your entrance proper foot, 20% in your again left toe.

Single Leg Plyo Lunge

Targets: Quads, calves and glutes.

single leg Plyo lunge

How To Do A Single Leg Plyo Lunge

  1. Stand with ft shoulder-width distance aside.
  2. Step your proper leg again right into a reverse lunge, reducing your hips till each knees attain a 90-degree angle, entrance left thigh parallel to the ground.
  3. Explode off your entrance left leg, driving your again proper knee ahead as you allow the bottom (pushing off the bottom together with your left foot/toe).
  4. Land softly in your left foot and go immediately again into the the reverse lunge.

Modification: Make this low influence by stepping again right into a reverse lunge, then drive your knee up in direction of your chest. Hold your entrance foot planted on the bottom by way of your entire motion.

Single Leg Step Ups And Rear Leg Raise

Targets: Glutes, butt, quads, hamstring and core.

Coach Tip: Select a a chair or bench that can can help you carry out the step up whereas monitoring your knee on prime of your foot all through the step-up portion of the train.

single leg box step up and rear leg lift to build glute strength

How To Do A Single Leg Step Up And Rear Leg Raise

  1. Start in a impartial standing place, holding a dumbbell in every hand at your sides.
  2. Step your proper leg onto a chair or bench, driving by way of your proper glute to face tall. Proper knee ought to observe over proper foot and shoulders and higher physique must be stacked over hips all through the step up.
  3. When you attain standing place on the chair/bench, float your rear, left leg behind you. Squeeze your glutes and hamstrings.
  4. Slowly decrease your rear left leg down as you decrease again right down to the beginning place with management.

Modification: Lower the extent change utilizing a platform decrease to the bottom (ex: the underside stair of a staircase). In the event you don’t have entry to a chair or bench, carry out a entrance lunge.

Squat Leap And Lunge Leap

Targets: Legs, glutes, quads, hamstring, calves and core.

plyo squat jump and lunge jump

How To Do A Squat Leap And Lunge Leap

  1. Stand with ft hip-width aside.
  2. Leap your proper leg again right into a reverse lunge place, touchdown softly as you decrease your hips till each knees attain a 90-degree angle, entrance thigh parallel to the ground.
  3. Explode up from the reverse lunge right into a loaded squat place, knees bent.
  4. Carry out a leap squat by driving off each ft to depart the bottom. Land softly in a loaded squat place.
  5. Repeat steps 2-4 on the opposite facet, leaping your left leg again right into a reverse lunge after which performing a squat leap.

Modification: Take out the leap to make this a low influence glute train. Alternate stepping again to lunge after which performing a body weight air squat.

Bulgarian Lunge or Cut up Squat

Targets: Legs, glutes, quads, hamstrings hips and core.

This single leg train will problem your steadiness and has been named probably the greatest workouts to construct glute energy.

Coach Tip: I’ve made enhancements to my very own Bulgarian Lunge kind since we first shot this Booty Constructing Exercise (therefore the short outfit change within the beneath GIF). We’re ALL a piece in progress and I’m continuously studying and attempting to enhance my kind so I can share that with you as effectively. Vital adjustments: arrange from the bottom up so your entrance foot isn’t too distant from the chair and preserve your shoelaces down on the chair.

Bulgarian Lunge or Split Squat

How To Do A Bulgarian Cut up Squat

  1. Arrange from the bottom UP. Kneel in entrance of your bench or chair, then place your left foot behind you on a chair or bench, shoelaces down. You may place a towel underneath your foot to supply further help if shoelaces down feels uncomfortable.
  2. Step your proper foot ahead (it’ll fluctuate for everybody, however somewhat over a foot in entrance of your bench). Your entrance thigh will likely be parallel to the bottom. That is the underside of your motion.
  3. Drive by way of your entrance proper heel, squeezing your proper glute to return to standing. Really feel your entrance glute have interaction to energy the motion.
  4. With management, bend your knee to decrease down again to the beginning place (again left knee ought to decrease down near the bottom), to make your entrance thigh parallel with the bottom. Shoulders stay stacked over hips all through the motion.
  5. Begin performing this as a body weight train and for those who really feel snug, add weights.

Modification: Carry out an ordinary reverse lunge or cut up squat, protecting your again foot on the bottom moderately than elevating it on a chair.

Elevated Glute Bridge

Targets: Glutes, hips and hamstrings.

Glute Bridges on Bench or Chair to build a booty

How To Do A Glute Bridge On A Bench Or Chair

  1. Lie flat in your again together with your butt near a bench or chair.
  2. Place your heels on the bench or chair, legs bent at 90 levels.
  3. Have interaction your core and tuck your pelvis towards the ceiling.
  4. Then drive by way of your heels, squeezing your butt to elevate your hips up towards the ceiling.
  5. Maintain on the prime for a second, then decrease your hips with management again right down to a hover place and repeat this motion.

Modification: Carry out glute bridges flat on the ground, with out elevating your ft on a chair.

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