Potassium Rich Foods Help Improve Heart Health of Women More Than Men


In line with analysis, consuming meals wealthy in potassium corresponding to salmon, avocados, and bananas might help cut back salt’s detrimental results on the weight loss program. The examine revealed that diets wealthy in potassium had been linked to diminished blood strain, particularly in girls having a excessive consumption of salt.

It is generally identified that prime salt consumption is linked to hypertension and an elevated threat of strokes and coronary heart assaults. The main focus of well being recommendation has been on proscribing salt consumption however that is difficult when processed meals are included within the weight loss program. Potassium assists the physique in excreting extra sodium within the urine. Dietary potassium was related to the best well being advantages for ladies within the examine.

The examine contributors included 24,963 people with a median age of 58 for ladies and 59 for males. A life-style behavior questionnaire was accomplished by the contributors, urine samples had been taken and blood pressures had been measured. Urinary potassium and sodium had been used for estimating dietary consumption. The people had been divided into teams primarily based on sodium consumption (low/medium/excessive) and potassium consumption (low/medium/excessive).

The hyperlink between potassium consumption and blood strain was analyzed after intercourse, age, and sodium consumption had been adjusted for. Potassium consumption was linked to blood strain in girls, blood strain decreased as consumption elevated.

When the affiliation was analyzed primarily based on sodium consumption (low/medium/excessive), the affiliation between potassium and blood strain was solely seen in girls with excessive sodium consumption, the place each one gram improve in potassium consumption on daily basis was linked to a 2.4 mmHg diminished systolic blood strain. No hyperlink between potassium and blood strain was seen in males.

Throughout a follow-up of 19.5 years on common, 13,596 people died or had been hospitalized on account of heart problems. The connection between potassium consumption and cardiovascular occasions was analyzed after adjusting for age, intercourse, diabetes, alcohol consumption, sodium consumption, BMI, smoking, lipid-lowering drug utilization, and prior stroke or coronary heart assault. General, people within the highest group of potassium consumption had a 13% diminished threat of cardiovascular occasions compared to people within the lowest group.

When men and women had been analyzed individually, the chance reductions had been 11% for ladies and seven% for males. The connection between potassium and cardiovascular occasions in girls or males was not influenced by the quantity of salt within the weight loss program.

The outcomes of the examine point out that potassium helps in preserving the well being of the guts, however girls profit greater than males. The connection between potassium and cardiovascular occasions was the identical no matter salt consumption, indicating that potassium protects the guts in different methods aside from growing sodium excretion.

The WHO recommends that people devour a minimal of3.5 grams of potassium and fewer than 2 grams of sodium every day. Meals excessive in potassium embrace fish, dairy merchandise, beans, nuts, fruit, and greens. As an example, 1 cup of milk comprises 375 mg of potassium, a 136-gram potato comprises 500 mg of potassium, 154 grams of cooked salmon comprises 780 mg of potassium, and a 115-gram banana comprises 375 mg of potassium.

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