What Mahakasyapa received from the Buddha other than the Buddha’s garment and alms bowl. – Zen Fools


When the Buddha was alive, there was a monk whose identify was Ananda. He because the Buddha’s assistant, listened to the Buddha’s Dharma talks greater than every other monastic. Nevertheless, he was scolded for clinging to phrases by the Buddha, who stated, “Clinging to phrases for a thousand days is not so good as practising for a day.” After the Buddha handed away, a few of his disciples congregated to make a e-book of the Buddha’s Dharma talks. Ananda thought that he ought to attend the assembly as a result of he, the Buddha’s assistant, had listened to the Buddha’s Dharma talks greater than anybody else. Nevertheless, he was not allowed to affix the assembly since he was not enlightened. Then, he went to Mahakasyapa who was the successor to the Buddha and requested him, “I do know you acquired the Buddha’s garment and alms bowl. What else did you are taking from the Buddha aside from them?” Mahakasyapa known as him by his identify, “Ananda.” Ananda answered, “Sure.” Mahakasyapa stated, “Get out and break the flagpole in entrance of this constructing.” Ananda couldn’t grasp what Mahakasyapa meant to start with however after twenty-one days of follow he attained enlightenment and will be part of the assembly.

Pupil: “What else did Mahakasyapa obtain from the Buddha aside from the Buddha’s garment and alms bowl?”

Grasp: “He confirmed it to Ananda.”


What may be given and brought is the shadow of what can’t be given and brought.

©Boo Ahm

All writing ©Boo Ahm. All photos ©Simon Hathaway

#zen #meditation #zenmeditation #enlightened #enlightenment #zenfools #images


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