Can the AARP be trusted? (No! Shame on the AARP)


written by Nina Shantel, weblog:, revealed August 2, 2022

My mother despatched me web page 40 of AARP’s “The journal,” as a result of she was alarmed that the AARP was instructing its seniors to eat extra fats. Individuals eat an excessive amount of fats as it’s.

The article states that folks ought to eat wholesome fat, however then instructs folks to eat unhealthy fat from salmon, mackerel, sardines, tuna, dairy merchandise, oils comparable to olive, safflower, peanut, and sesame oil (nuts and seeds are effective, however concentrated oils are detrimental to our well being, and trigger weight acquire).

Disgrace on the AARP for telling its seniors to eat extra fats from fish, that comprise mercury which is linked to Alzheimer’s; oils, that are concentrated, high-calorie, fatty processed meals, which might induce Kind-2 diabetes in a single day; and full-fat dairy merchandise, which set off autoimmune illnesses.

The AARP is a lobbying group so that they can’t be trusted to provide unbiased recommendation. Lobbyists push laws that advantages firms that donate to their group.  What seniors want, is to eat extra fruits, extra greens, extra beans, extra leafy greens, and fewer fatty meals from oils and animal merchandise.

The AARP doesn’t give good eating regimen, weight reduction or well being recommendation. The truth is, they promote meals that make folks sicker and fatter.

For optimum well being, weight, blood strain, and illness reversal and prevention, everybody ought to keep away from processed meals, oils, dairy and animal flesh.

(High picture: avocados are wholesome, however they’re excessive in fats & energy and comprise saturated fats. Saturated fat and all fat must be minimized. Restrict avocado consumption to not more than 1/2 avocado per day).

Why the AARP can’t be trusted to provide good well being advise

Supply: “Get pleasure from Extra Wholesome Fat.” AARP The journal, 2022. p. 40.

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