Mint Lemonade – A Couple Cooks


This mint lemonade recipe is straightforward and refreshing! The cooling, herbaceous notes of mint pair completely with the zing of lemon.

Mint Lemonade

Right here’s a beverage that’s excellent for summer time sipping: Mint Lemonade! This recipe is right for when you may have a great deal of this recent herb readily available. The cooling, herbaceous notes of the mint are an ideal pair with the acidic pop of the lemon. What might be extra refreshing? It’s easy to whip up and excellent for events and entertaining. Or, make a giant pitcher to drink off of all week! Right here’s our grasp technique.

Components for mint lemonade

This mint lemonade recipe skips making a simple syrup on the stovetop, and goes proper to the blender. The truth is, all it is advisable do is mix mint and sugar, then combine it with lemon juice to kind lemonade. As a be aware, this recipe is greatest in summer time you’ve bought recent mint to spare. It requires 1 cup mint leaves, which may get costly in the event you’re shopping for store-bought out of season. Right here’s what you’ll want for this recipe:

Mint Lemonade recipe

Learn how to make mint lemonade (fundamental steps)

It’s very straightforward to make your personal do-it-yourself lemonade! Essentially the most time consuming half? Juicing the lemons! Listed here are the essential steps for learn how to make this mint lemonade (or soar to the recipe under for portions):

  • Juice the lemons. Utilizing a press juicer is the quickest method to juice lemons: it will get out probably the most juice and saves your fingers from tiring out from squeezing. The following best option? A handheld citrus juicer.
  • Mix the mint, sugar and water. Give it a whiz within the blender.
  • Double pressure it with a positive mesh strainer! That is the essential half. You’ll wish to pressure the liquid twice to keep away from floating sediment that varieties from the blended mint.
  • Combine the pitcher. Then combine it in a pitcher with the lemon juice and extra chilly water.
  • Garnish with recent mint! That is additionally essential. Garnishing with one other sprig of mint is essential for getting the correct mint aroma to every sip.
Mint lemonade

Variations on this recipe

There are different enjoyable methods to combine up this mint lemonade recipe: like making it glowing or spiked! Listed here are a couple of enjoyable variations:

Extra lemonade recipes

Need extra homemade lemonade flavors? When you’ve whipped up mint lemonade, attempt these variations:

This mint lemonade recipe is…

Vegetarian, vegan, plant-based, and dairy-free.


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This mint lemonade recipe is straightforward and refreshing! The cooling, herbaceous notes of mint pair completely with the zing of lemon.

  • 1 ½ cups recent squeezed lemon juice (7 to eight giant lemons)*
  • 7 cups water, divided
  • 1 cup granulated sugar
  • 1 cup mint leaves, loosely packed
  • Ice, for serving

  1. Juice the lemons. Add the lemon juice to a pitcher with 6 cups chilly water.
  2. In a blender, mix the sugar, mint leaves and 1 cup heat water. Mix till absolutely mixed.
  3. Pressure the combination by a positive mesh strainer right into a bowl. Then pressure it again by the strainer into the pitcher with the lemon juice. (Double straining helps to take away sediment that may in any other case kind on the prime of the liquid.)
  4. Add ice to the pitcher. Garnish every glass with a sprig of recent mint, to get the a lot of the mint taste.  Serve instantly or retailer refrigerated for as much as 3 days.

  • Class: Drink
  • Methodology: No Cook dinner
  • Delicacies: Lemonade
  • Weight loss program: Vegan

Key phrases: Mint lemonade, mint lemonade recipe

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