5 Acres & A Dream: Barnyard Babies: Cats


Our cats are positively not infants anymore, besides within the sense of “huge” and “spoiled.” However since all our different critters have gotten their day within the highlight, I believed possibly the cats ought to too!


Meowy stays our mouser supreme. She additionally catches squirrels, chipmunks, rabbits, and lizards. She’s virtually at all times exterior, and solely is available in to eat.

Sam and Riley appear to separate their time between inside and out of doors. Sam nonetheless adores Riley, and Riley nonetheless simply tolerates Sam.

Sam utilizing Riley as a pillow.

Sam is our resident scardy-cat. He runs and hides at each little factor.

Sam within the laundry basket.

Riley is our old-timer, now over 12-years-old. 


He nonetheless will get round, however however slower than he used to. His major duty is to ensure Dan and I maintain the cat meals bowls topped off.

Often, we’ll hand harvest an space that’s rising grasses or forage that we might wish to dry for the goats. The cats adore it that we toss it onto a big tarp to dry. That is useful once we’re having popup showers, so we will shortly roll the tarp up and put it beneath the carport.

Sam and Riley on the hay tarp.

All of the cats like to lounge on the hay tarps, besides Katy. 

Riley and Meowy on the hay tarp.

Katy is a self-designated lap and indoor cat. Recently, she’s taken up residence within the t-shirt cubby in my closet.

Katy, cozy on a pile of t-shirts.

The issue with that is that she messes up the piles and knocks t-shirts out of the closet and onto the ground. I am consistently having to select up after her!

Come chilly climate, they will all just about transfer into the home. Meowy will nonetheless exit quite a bit, however even she likes to sleep by the woodstove. For now, although, now we have good exterior protection for all cat-size varmints. 


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