My Quiet Life in Suffolk: All About Beetroot


To begin with should say an enormous Thanks to new followers who’ve clicked the follower button -even although it is simply as I am beginning to write a bit much less usually.  Should say it is fairly unusual not writing a publish day by day though it definitely leaves a bit extra time for different issues.

Now the primary topic………………….

 Regardless of my beetroot being far too carefully sown and never thining them, I’ve being pulling a bunch like this each week. I do not need them too large as they take too lengthy to prepare dinner.


Thought I might look in that new little vegetable e book to search out the historical past of those roots greens that we all the time known as Crimson Beet to distinguish from  ‘Beet’ grown in so many fields once I was younger when Suffolk had two Sugar Beet factories.

From the illustration, courting from the mid C19, appears there have been totally different colors even then – however conventional color is my selection. 

In accordance with the e book apparently the place and date of origin of Beetroot shouldn’t be particular however they potential got here from the Nile area round 2,000 BCE. There was a wild beet rising in Mediterranian coastal areas which can have derived from Chard (or vice-versa). Greeks ate the leaves and the Romans cultivated the basis which is perhaps why in Tudor England it was known as ‘Romaine beete’.

Beetroot is wealthy in iron,calcium,carotene,magnesium, phosphorus, vitamim A and B complicated. So very Good For You!

Mangolds, Mangle or mangle-wurzels used for cattle feed are a hybrid of beetroot and chard.

Over the past 40 years I’ve tried many alternative methods to protect them for winter however they all the time appear too vinegary for my style. Somebody as soon as advised bottling them in a jelly made utilizing vinegar as a substitute of water – that did not work both. Years in the past we saved them for a lot of months in a field of sand however I do not actually have anyplace appropriate to try this now – or the sand. So now I simply eat them by way of the months they’re accessible contemporary. 

Again shortly



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