Country Days and Country Ways for September


 After I had this e-book on mortgage from the library I took some photographs of a few of the pages to share on right here on the First of The Month posts

Higher put August away within the cabinet and get out the September Edith Holden Edwardian Girl plate and a few autumnal decor. No new issues for the shelf as a result of I nonetheless just like the autumn leaf swag and the picket mushrooms. I feel the September plate is particularly good. I’ve put it proper on the finish of the cabinets as a result of I reckon the vine leaf tapestry that is completely on the image wall suits in properly with the autumn theme.


The verse of a poem that is included on the plate is by Alex Smith (in line with her Edwardian Diary Guide) who I feel have to be a Victorian Scottish poet.

Finest I like September’s yellow,

Morns of dew-strung gossamer,Considerate days with out a stir,

Rooky clamours, brazen leaves,

Stubble dotted o’er with sheaves-

Greater than Spring’s vibrant uncontrol

Swimsuit the Autumn of my soul

In 2019 I quoted a bit from my folklore diary 

 Autumn brings closure to a busy rising 12 months and is time for tidying up and getting ready for winter. In our lives we are able to use this time to carry issues which have reached fruition to a pure shut and to make prepared for what’s forward of us.

 September = Autumn both on the first  meteorologically,  or astronomically on the  Autumn Equinox or Mabon on  the twenty third this 12 months.

 The phrase autumn comes from Latin autumnus and it is use dates again to the C14. In fact within the USA and another international locations it is called fall and each autumn and fall had been used on this nation till the C18, I ponder why we stopped utilizing it?.

The September full moon on the tenth known as the Wine Moon or the Tune Moon.

The Anglo-Saxons known as September Gertsmonath, that means the barley month.

There are usually three consecutive windy days across the center of the month, millers known as these the windy days of barley harvest

These days the grain harvest is normally completed properly earlier than September.
There are just a few basic climate sayings for the month that I’ve point out in earlier September 1st posts.

September dries up wells or breaks down bridges


September rain is way favored by  the farmer

Many haws and plenty of sloes make many chilly toes.


I ponder what kind of climate we’ll get this 12 months after our very dry summer time. 

Again Quickly 




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