A Good Year for Hips, Haws and Sloes


 I walked up the lane within the first week of September to see the adjustments within the view over the village since final time in early August

A Hawthorn tree completely loaded with Haws

And in case you like infusing the fruit of the Blackthorn in Gin then this 12 months you may don’t have any drawback discovering the sloe berries.

The sugar beet crop continues to be trying unhappy. 

The bushes are nonetheless inexperienced and  hiding the church within the view from the highest of the ‘hill’

The wheat discipline has been harvested and the soil turned with a disc harrow or possibly shallow ploughed. 

Together with an excellent crop of Hawthorn Haws and Blackthorn Sloes, the Rose-Hips of the wild Canine-Rose are additionally large and plentiful.

I would like to have a go at making Rosehip Syrup however the issues with the tiny hairs and seeds inside  and the warnings on all recipes………….

Rosehips include hairs which trigger irritation so you will need to take away these.

………tends to place me off! 

Again Quickly



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