Puglian Fava Beans with Greens


The scrumptious, rustic Puglian meals traditions of Southern Italy date again by way of the millennia. The meals are easy, primarily based on what’s regionally out there on this sun-drenched Mediterranean local weather. Traditional bean dishes are a part of these traditions. Crammed with vitamin, good style, and satisfaction, these bean recipes, served with the scrumptious native breads of Puglia (Apulia in Italian) are hearty and filling. Whereas in Puglia, I loved the traditional native dish of fava pure e cicorielle (fava with chicory) at many meals. Fully plant-based, vegan, and gluten-free, it was pure bliss served with domestically produced wheat bread and a salad of tomatoes and cucumbers with olive oil. 

I introduced again fava beans from Italy for this recipe, however you may simply discover dried fava beans in lots of supermarkets and on-line outlets. You too can substitute one other sort of bean, similar to cannellini, flageolet, or white beans. On this recipe, Puglians use bitter greens, similar to chicory, turnip greens, or wild greens, similar to dandelion. I used dandelion on this recipe, because it’s simply discovered in lots of supermarkets, farmers markets, or foraging sojourns. When you can’t discover dandelion, attempt mustard greens. 

Simply soak the beans in a single day, cook dinner with recent water and broth with onion and some seasonings till tender, mash till comfortable, and prime with the greens to let wilt. Drizzle with olive oil and dig in! 


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  • 8 ounces dried fava beans (or cannellini, flageolet, or white beans)
  • 4 cups broth
  • 1 cup water
  • 2 tablespoons further virgin olive oil, divided
  • 1 medium onion, diced
  • 4 cloves garlic, minced
  • ½ teaspoon pink chili flakes
  • 1 tablespoon oregano, dried
  • ½ teaspoon salt (non-obligatory)
  • ¼ teaspoon black pepper 
  • 1 giant bunch recent dandelion greens or chicory, coarsely chopped (or substitute mustard greens)

  1. Place beans in a big pot or Dutch oven, cowl with water, and soak in a single day (about 8 hours). 
  2. Drain beans, return to pot, add broth, water, 1 tablespoon of the olive oil, onion, garlic, pink chili flakes, oregano, salt (non-obligatory), and black pepper, cowl, and simmer over medium warmth for about 1 ½ hours, stirring continuously, till beans are very comfortable and tender. May have so as to add further water if essential to make a thick, stew-like texture (shouldn’t be too runny). 
  3. Take away from warmth and instantly use a potato masher to mash the beans whereas they’re sizzling within the pot, making a thick combination (in regards to the texture of mashed potatoes). Add extra sizzling water if combination is simply too dry and thick. 
  4. Add chopped dandelion greens on prime of the beans, cowl, and let simmer for five minutes—don’t stir, let greens wilt. Drizzle with 1 tablespoon further virgin olive oil. 
  5. Serve instantly. 
  6. Makes 6 servings (about 1 cup every). 

  • Prep Time: 10 minutes + 8 hours for soaking
  • Prepare dinner Time: 1 hour half-hour
  • Class: Appetizer
  • Delicacies: Mediterranean, American

Key phrases: fava beans, fava beans recipe, what are fava beans, learn how to cook dinner fava beans, dried fava beans

Try these different recipes that includes fava beans:

Fava Bean Asparagus Sauté
Pasta with Rapini, Fava, and Mushrooms
Greek Fava

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