You Can’t Have it All. Sometimes You Have to Choose.


There are some pursuits in life which are each/and.

For instance, “I wish to achieve success at work AND spend money on my household.”

This can be a each/and kind of proposition. I do know numerous women and men who’re each profitable of their careers and discover time to deliberately spend money on their households. The truth is, I hope I’m certainly one of them.

However not each pursuit in life is a each/and proposition. Some pursuits are both/or.

And we face grave penalties once we incorrectly discern between them.

As a straightforward instance, think about somebody who thinks to themselves, “I wish to be wholesome AND by no means train or change my weight loss plan.”

It’s a rudimentary instance, however the proposition above can not come true. We are able to’t each be wholesome and never train. Finally, one will win out over the opposite. And within the instance right here, well being is the optimistic consequence that can be sacrificed if we proceed to imagine each may be true.

That is, in fact, a silly instance. Most individuals know which you could’t each be wholesome and by no means train. Proper?

However what about tougher to discern eventualities?

I would really like monetary calm in my life AND proceed my spending habits.

I would really like a extra peaceable house AND preserve all my stuff.

I would really like a extra non secular existence AND worth the issues of this world.

I would really like extra time with my household AND my calendar filled with occasions with associates.

I want to write that e book AND watch tv each night time.

Incorrect assumptions about what pursuits are each/and vs. both/or can preserve us caught in a rut.

Even worse, too usually once we don’t understand which choices stand in opposition to at least one one other, we slide towards the much less desired consequence: we get unhealthier, our funds keep within the purple, our houses stay cluttered, our household will get uncared for, or the e book by no means will get written.

These are the grave penalties of not discerning accurately.

Steven Wright, the comic, as soon as quipped, “You’ll be able to’t have all of it. The place would you set it?”

And he was proper. You’ll be able to’t have all of it. Typically you will need to select.

As we think about the lives we live, we might be sensible to judge the path of them.

Is there one thing we need extra of in our lives? More healthy habits, a calmer house, extra intentional parenting, a extra loving marriage, extra generosity or gratitude, reaching a larger potential?

If that’s the case, what’s the both/or proposition that is likely to be getting in the way in which of that pursuit? What must be eliminated so the larger good can flourish?


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