How to Make Pear Sauce


For those who’ve ever had freshly made pear sauce, you know the way scrumptious it may be. It’s a good way to make use of up an abundance of pears from a yard tree, or to reap the benefits of these beautiful fruit when they’re in season. It’s very easy to make 100% pure, sugar-free pear sauce, utilizing these few straightforward steps I’m sharing on the weblog. Bonus: You may observe this similar recipe to make apple sauce—simply swap out the pears for apples. As a baby rising up within the Northwest, I helped my mom make home-made pear and apple sauce annually from our bounty of fruit recent from the tree. We might can it to get pleasure from all winter lengthy. This recipe lasts properly within the fridge for every week, and it’s additionally nice frozen for a number of months. To be taught concerning the well being advantages of pears and the way to use them within the kitchen, take a look at my weblog here.

Step-By-Step Information

Begin with recent, clear, ripe pears.
Peel the pears utilizing a paring knife.
Chop the pears into chunks.
Place the chopped pears right into a small pot.
Juice one small lemon and add it to the pears.
Add 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon to the pears.
Add 1/2 cup water to the pears.
Stir properly, cowl with a lid, and prepare dinner over medium warmth for about half-hour, stirring sometimes.
Utilizing an immersion blender (or switch pears to a blender), mix cooked pears, till you attain desired consistency.
Voila, now you might have stunning pear sauce!

Take pleasure in pear sauce as a pure dessert, with cereal or granola, as an ingredient in recipes, or as an accompaniment to savory dishes.



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Pear Sauce

  • Creator:
    The Plant-Powered Dietitian

  • Whole Time:
    35 minutes

  • Yield:
    1 ½ cups 1x


Discover ways to make a batch of pear sauce with these easy steps.

  • 4 recent medium pears, peeled, cored, chopped into chunks
  • 1 small lemon, juiced
  • ½ teaspoon cinnamon
  • ¼ cup water


  1. Place chopped pears in a saucepan with lemon juice, cinnamon and water.  Stir to distribute components, cowl with a lid and prepare dinner for half-hour, stirring sometimes.
  2. Utilizing an immersion blender (or switch pears to a blender), mix cooked pears till you attain desired consistency.
  3. Cool and serve with extra cinnamon, a sprinkling of granola as desired.  This pear sauce is superb as a sweetener in baked items, comparable to pancakes, muffins, and bars.


Use the identical recipe for applesauce, utilizing apples as a substitute of pears.

  • Prep Time: 5 minutes
  • Prepare dinner Time: half-hour
  • Class: Snack
  • Delicacies: American


  • Serving Dimension: 1 serving
  • Energy: 107
  • Sugar: 18 g
  • Sodium: 2 mg
  • Fats: 0 g
  • Saturated Fats: 0 g
  • Carbohydrates: 29 g
  • Fiber: 6 g
  • Protein: 1 g

Key phrases: pear sauce, vegan pear sauce, the way to make pear sauce

For different recipes that includes pears, take a look at:

Baked Pear Trail Mix
Ginger Pear Date Oats
Cranberry Pear Steel Cut Oats

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