COVID-19: The Most Politicized Disease of My 40-Year Medical Career


n95 mask, goggles
Sure, COVID-19 was scary for healthcare staff, however not almost as scary as Ebola virus and the early days of AIDS

Relating to the pandemic, do you surprise:

  • how politicians in Washington, DC, had the authority to droop evictions of parents who didn’t make their mortgage funds
  • how politicians might destroy a whole bunch of hundreds of companies and jobs by imposing nugatory lockdowns
  • how pharmacists might routinely refuse to fill prescriptions (ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine) from licensed physicians
  • why sure governors forbade using ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine
  • how the fear-porn was ratcheted up so excessive that kinfolk of dying sufferers weren’t allowed in hospital rooms
  • how police dared to arrest a lone paddle boarder in the Pacific ocean for violating lockdown
  • how and why hundreds of thousands of individuals have been compelled or coerced into taking experimental vaccines with no long-term security report (even pregnant girls!)
  • why the mainstream press doesn’t report the underlying financing and earnings linked to the “free” vaccines

One normally dependable option to discover solutions to such questions is to “observe the cash.” In different phrases (Latin), cui bono? Too a lot of our national-level politicians are additionally motivated by pure energy, whatever the cash. I’m additionally satisfied there are darker forces at play, pure evil. However that’s so that you can determine for your self.

I recommend you watch a free film, The Greatest Reset. Free besides for two.5 hours of your life. It could offer you some solutions to your non-medical questions on this politicized pandemic. I don’t know who produced the film or who financed it. I don’t endorse all the things in it. Attempt to hold an open thoughts. For certain, you aren’t getting the complete story from the mainstream press.

Steve Parker, M.D.

PS: Six Media Companies Control 90% of What You Read, Watch, and Hear

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