Majo’s One Dharma (2) – Zen Fools


When a monastic requested Majo, “What Dharma do all of the Buddhas speak about?” he answered, “All of the Buddhas speak about just one Dharma. Thus, the Buddha transmitted it to Mahakasyapa by with a touch. This Dharma is filling the entire universe. This can’t be understood by language and phrases.”

Scholar: “What’s one Dharma?”

Grasp: “This can’t be understood by language and phrases.”

Scholar: “How can it’s understood if not by language and phrases?”

Grasp: “‘This can’t be understood by language and phrases’ can be language and phrases.”


Language and phrases usually are not language and phrases until you regard them as such.

©Boo Ahm

All writing ©Boo Ahm. All photos ©Simon Hathaway

#zen #meditation #zenmeditation #enlightened #enlightenment #zenfools #pictures


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