Ro and the NIA partner to create an Alzheimer’s disease registry for clinical trials


Direct-to-patient healthcare firm Ro introduced an settlement with the Nationwide Institute on Growing old (NIA) to develop the Registry for Equal Entry to Scientific Trials in Alzheimer’s Illness (REACT-AD).

Ro will make use of its telehealth platform to display and recruit sufferers at elevated threat for growing Alzheimer’s illness (AD) or different associated dementia to hitch REACT-AD for potential participation in NIA-conducted and funded medical trials. 

The NIA, a part of the Nationwide Institutes of Well being (NIH), will analyze the information obtained and oversee the publication of analysis findings that come up from REACT-AD. 

REACT-AD goals to make use of Ro’s telemedicine platform to diversify the individuals recruited for medical trials and reduce limitations to partaking in medical trials, corresponding to a necessity for transportation, childcare and time without work work. 


More than six million Americans are living with AD, and one in three seniors dies with Alzheimer’s or one other type of dementia, making it the seventh main reason for demise within the U.S. 

“Making certain equal entry to medical trials in Alzheimer’s illness for all people is just not solely an ethical crucial but in addition sound scientific apply,” Dr. Madhav Thambisetty, senior investigator and chief of the Clinical and Translational Neuroscience Section (CTNS) at NIA, stated in an announcement. “We’re excited to create a various and decentralized registry of trial-ready individuals that may allow us to check essentially the most promising AD therapies rising from our ongoing analysis.”


There have been efforts to make use of know-how to deal with AD and different associated dementia. 

Earlier this 12 months, Fujifilm Corporation introduced medical trial outcomes relating to its platform AI Know-how for AD Development Prediction. It decided the know-how can predict whether or not sufferers with delicate cognitive impairment will progress to AD inside two years. 

The trial confirmed Fujifilm’s platform might predict AD development with 88% and 84% accuracy in American and Japanese sufferers, respectively. 

Alzheimer’s Research UK started an identical initiative two years in the past to enhance the early detection of neurodegenerative illnesses like AD by way of know-how. It aimed to create and trial a diagnostic wearable gadget to detect illness markers.


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