My Quiet Life in Suffolk: Where and When……………?


 There weren’t many birthday playing cards for males  left in my card field after finding out one for son and nephew so I checked out the decoupage folder.

And completely shocked to seek out these…………..

They aren’t decoupage however die-cut sheets for making layered pyramid playing cards. However I do not keep in mind shopping for them ……………no point out of them on car-boot posts ……………. they would not have been new that is for positive …………….. so the place did they arrive from? I do not know, which is odd as I normally keep in mind.

Anyway, I acquired caught right into a little bit of cardmaking – these are really easy to do they really feel like dishonest.

I made up a few correct 3D decoupage too from sheets purchased years in the past from Craft Creations (nonetheless assume it is a disgrace they stopped buying and selling, particularly as I’ve some massive playing cards that I can not discover respectable envelopes to suit and it might have been so easy just a few years in the past)

Sufficient for a number of birthdays for the boys within the household – subsequent 12 months and extra.

Thanks everybody for feedback yesterday about all of the issues our Mum’s dosed us with again within the day. Youngsters in 2022 do not know what they’re lacking!

Again Quickly



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