Q. Zen meditation encourages people to kill the Buddha. If we have to kill the Buddha, what should we Buddhists worship? – Zen Fools


A. The core of Buddhism is to not worship the Buddha however to grasp that all the pieces, together with ourselves, is the Buddha. In different phrases, Buddhism is to not worship and pray to an imaginary being that’s out of sight for mercy and happiness, however to grasp that all the pieces in sight round us is the Buddha we’re searching for by seeing issues as they are surely.

In an effort to see issues as they’re, we shouldn’t be deluded by illusions. The digital picture of the Buddha is the most common and strongest phantasm that almost all Buddhists are hooked up to. The phantasm of the Buddha hinders Buddhists from realising the true Buddha. For this reason historic masters suggested their college students to kill the Buddha. So, ‘killing the Buddha’ implies ‘eradicating the phantasm of the Buddha’, or ‘not being deluded by the phantasm of the Buddha’. What ought to be stored in thoughts is that the Buddha is formless and no matter could be killed is just not the Buddha.

©Boo Ahm

All writing ©Boo Ahm. All photographs ©Simon Hathaway

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