What’s Better for Your Brain, Crossword Puzzles or Computer Games?


By Amy Norton 

HealthDay Reporter

WEDNESDAY, Nov. 2, 2022 (HealthDay Information) — Older adults trying to decelerate reminiscence loss may discover some assist in a basic brain-teaser: the crossword puzzle.

That is the suggestion of a small examine that adopted older adults with gentle cognitive impairment — issues with reminiscence and considering which will progress to dementia over time. Researchers discovered that these randomly assigned to do crossword puzzles for 18 months confirmed a small enchancment in checks of reminiscence and different psychological abilities.

That was in distinction to check members who have been assigned to a extra fashionable mind train: pc video games designed to interact varied psychological talents. On common, their take a look at scores declined barely over time.

Consultants cautioned that the examine was small and had different limitations. For one factor, it lacked a “management group” of members who didn’t carry out mind workouts. So it isn’t clear whether or not doing crossword puzzles or taking part in video games is considerably higher than doing nothing.

“This isn’t definitive,” stated lead researcher Dr. Davangere Devanand, a professor of psychiatry and neurology at Columbia College in New York Metropolis.

He stated that bigger research, together with a management group, are nonetheless wanted.

As it’s, the present outcomes have been sudden, in response to Devanand. Going into the trial, the researchers suspected that pc video games would reign superior. Previous research have discovered that such video games may also help older adults with no cognitive impairments sharpen their psychological acuity.

It is not clear why crosswords have been the winner on this trial. However, Devanand stated, there was proof that the puzzles have been particularly more practical for individuals within the “late” stage of gentle cognitive impairment — which can recommend that crosswords have been simpler for them to handle.

The findings have been printed on-line not too long ago within the journal NEJM Proof.

Delicate cognitive impairment is widespread with age, and doesn’t all the time progress to dementia. However in lots of instances it does. It is estimated that amongst adults age 65 and older who’ve such impairments, 10% to twenty% develop dementia over a one-year interval, in response to the U.S. Nationwide Institute on Growing older.

Researchers wish to discover methods to delay or forestall that development to dementia, and mentally stimulating actions are one avenue underneath examine.

Some analysis has discovered that mind video games could assist individuals with gentle cognitive impairment increase their reminiscence and considering abilities — although research have discovered a whole lot of variation within the forms of enhancements seen.

And one query, in response to Devanand, is whether or not any specific forms of mind workouts are higher than others.

So his staff got down to evaluate the consequences of web-based pc video games and web-based crossword puzzles.

The researchers recruited 107 older adults with gentle cognitive impairment and randomly assigned them to both sort of mind train. All members acquired classes on how to go browsing and use the video games or puzzles.

Although the crossword puzzles have been on-line, Devanand famous, they have been in any other case the identical as old school paper-and-pencil ones. They have been reasonably troublesome — on the degree of a New York Instances puzzle on a Thursday.

After 18 months, the investigators discovered, the crossword group had improved by about 1 level, on common, on a normal scale assessing cognitive decline — targeted primarily on reminiscence and language abilities.

In distinction, individuals within the video games group declined by a half-point, on common.

People did differ, nonetheless. About one-quarter of the video games group, as an illustration, improved their scores by not less than 2 factors.

And when the researchers seemed nearer, the distinction between the 2 mind workouts was particularly seen amongst individuals within the later levels of gentle cognitive impairment.

It is doable, Devanand stated, that for older individuals with extra substantial impairments, crossword puzzles have been simpler to handle.

An skilled not concerned within the examine stated that “restricted conclusions” may be drawn from the findings — partially as a result of there was no management group.

“Nevertheless, the outcomes open the door to follow-up trials to straight study the potential of profit from computerized crossword puzzles,” stated Claire Sexton, senior director of scientific applications and outreach for the Alzheimer’s Affiliation.

She burdened, although, that it is unlikely any single measure — crosswords or in any other case — will make a giant distinction within the development towards a posh illness like dementia.

As a substitute, Sexton stated, the best potential could also be in “multidomain interventions that concurrently goal many danger elements.”

Sexton famous that the Alzheimer’s Affiliation is funding a trial, referred to as U.S. Pointer, that’s testing that risk. It is whether or not a mixture of techniques — together with bodily exercise, mind workouts and higher management of hypertension and diabetes — can profit older individuals at elevated danger of cognitive decline.

For now, there may be not less than little danger to selecting up a crossword puzzle behavior.

“We now have a saying on this area in regards to the mind,” Devanand stated. “Use it or lose it.”

Extra data

The Alzheimer’s Affiliation has recommendation on defending mind well being.


SOURCES: Davangere P. Devanand, MD, professor, psychiatry and neurology, Columbia College Medical Heart, New York Metropolis; Claire Sexton, DPhil, senior director, scientific applications and outreach, Alzheimer’s Affiliation, Chicago; NEJM Proof, Oct. 27, 2022, on-line


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