Q. What does ‘You cannot see the Buddha because there are motes in your eyes and ears. If you are to remove them, look up beyond the sky’ mean?


A. The mote in our eyes is a mote of discriminating by seeing, and that in our ears a mote of discriminating by listening to. For instance, each time we see or hear issues, we discriminate them by defining and naming them as one thing similar to a tree, or a hen. Actually, they’re neither a tree nor a hen in essence as a result of they’ve by no means stated that they’re a tree, or a hen. We identify them, and outline their natures and traits as we please, impartial of what they are surely. In different phrases, we see and listen to issues in the way in which we interpret or perceive them, not in the way in which they are surely in themselves. That is the rationale why we don’t see the true-Self.

So, an historic grasp, when he was requested to say learn how to see the true-Self, stated that though eyes are full of sunshine, there shouldn’t be a single factor and that though ears are stuffed with sound, there shouldn’t be any phrases. Accordingly, ‘lookup past the sky’ implies to see the sky with none fastened concepts connected to it, together with the phrase ‘sky’.

©Boo Ahm

All writing ©Boo Ahm. All photographs ©Simon Hathaway

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