Walter Benjamin on Dreams and the Underworld of the Mind – The Marginalian


Looking for the byway to the unconscious.

“The logic of goals is superior to the one we train whereas awake,” the poet, painter, and thinker Etel Adnan wrote as she thought-about creativity and the nocturnal imagination. We all know that in goals consciousness hints at the nature of the universe, however we catch solely flitting glimpses of what’s revealed. And but that unreckoned darkness is value dwelling in, for in it we develop into otherwise — and maybe extra totally — ourselves.

That’s what Walter Benjamin (July 15, 1892–September 26, 1940) explores in a passage from what turned The Arcades Project — the uncompleted manuscript Benjamin was engaged on when he died of despair whereas fleeing from the Nazis. Misplaced and dormant for many years, this uncommon reckoning with life was rediscovered after the conflict and printed in its authentic type — a swirl of German and French — and solely translated into English within the first 12 months of the twenty-first century.

Illustration by Freud’s trans niece Tom Seidmann-Freu from a philosophical 1922 children’s book about dreams

With an eye fixed to these locations in Historical Greece believed to be portals into the underworld, he writes:

Our waking existence likewise is a land which, at sure hidden factors, leads down into the underworld — a land filled with inconspicuous locations from which goals come up. All day lengthy, suspecting nothing, we move them by, however no sooner has sleep come than we’re eagerly groping our manner again to lose ourselves at the hours of darkness corridors. By day, the labyrinth of city dwellings resembles consciousness; the arcades… challenge unremarked onto the streets. At evening, nonetheless, below the tenebrous mass of the homes, their denser darkness protrudes like a risk, and the nocturnal pedestrian hurries previous — except, that’s, we now have emboldened him to show into the slim lane.

Flip, passenger, into the slim lane tonight.

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