Seeing the Gift – zen habits zen habits


By Leo Babauta

There are a variety of frequent blockers for creating highly effective change in your life:

  • Feeling that the trouble is pointless
  • Resisting the trouble
  • Frustration with your self or others
  • Disliking the exercise
  • Feeling an urge / compulsion to do the previous behavior

Every of those can derail your efforts to create one thing new. And to be clear, there’s nothing improper with any of those — they’re splendidly human traits. However to create highly effective change, we have now to be taught to work with them.

Immediately I’d prefer to introduce a magical instrument that I name Seeing the Present.

In case you deploy Seeing the Present, you possibly can work with any of the above deterrents. Let’s have a look.

What’s ‘Seeing the Present’?

In any exercise, in any particular person, you will discover a present. Typically it’s apparent — the particular person in entrance of you is sort and beneficiant, and you are feeling them very simply as a present. If you end up watching a sundown out in nature, you possibly can really feel the surprise and pleasure of the reward of that second.

However different occasions it’s more difficult — the particular person in entrance of you is being annoying, otherwise you’re going via sickness or harm, or the challenge in entrance of you is boring and exhausting. In some conditions, or with some individuals, we resist seeing the reward. We wish to simply complain. And that’s OK! Let your self complain, and see the reward in expressing the frustration or despair in your coronary heart. How can that emotion be a present to you?

In case you proceed to sit down with that emotion, you’ll calm down a bit. Then you possibly can look deeper. Whereas the particular person in entrance of you is being irritating, there’s something they’re providing you. There’s a reward in them, if you’re prepared to look. Are you prepared?

In case you’re taking up an amazing or boring challenge, it may be exhausting to see the reward — however when you sit with it for a little bit longer, you’ll discover it within the silence. You’ll begin to notice what this challenge has to show you. It’ll begin to change you.

The Present is what it has to show you, the way it modifications you, the way it connects you to the divine, to your self, to every thing round you. The Present is the sacredness of the second and of you. The Present is a profound realization of the surprise of life.

It’s at all times there, if we’re prepared to look.

Use ‘Seeing the Present’ for Highly effective Change

Let’s take every of the “deterrents” to vary that I discussed above:

  • The trouble is pointless: It feels such as you’ll by no means accomplish what you wish to obtain, so it feels pointless to even strive — this sense of pointlessness stops each one among us. May you see the Present in attempting even when you don’t get to the purpose? May the trouble be a Present it doesn’t matter what the end result?
  • Resisting the trouble: You’ve got the challenge sitting over there ready so that you can begin it, otherwise you deliberate to work out immediately … however you’re resisting. Every thing else appears extra pressing, so you place it off. What when you paused for a minute to sit down nonetheless, and see the Present within the challenge or the exercise? What when you let that Present name you to the change you wish to make in your life and the world?
  • Frustration with your self or others: The particular person in entrance of you is obnoxious. Otherwise you aren’t residing as much as your expectations. These sorts of frustrations with your self or others generally is a large deterrent to creating one thing new in your life. What when you paused for a couple of minutes, took some breaths, slowed down … and regarded for the Present on this particular person, or in your self? May this irritating particular person be educating you one thing unintentionally? May there be one thing stunning in them so that you can discover? May you discover the reward within the sacredness of your frustration?
  • Disliking the exercise: Typically to perform a purpose, we have now to do one thing we don’t like. It will typically trigger us to determine the purpose isn’t worthwhile. However what if there might be a Present on this dreadful exercise? May we discover it, and permit ourselves to assert the Present? This offers us entry to extra chance than if we shut out each exercise we don’t like.
  • Urge to do an previous behavior: Let’s say you’re attempting to vary your weight loss plan, or go on social media much less … the very best of intentions might be derailed by an urge to do what you usually do. However an urge is only a momentary sensation within the physique, nothing that has to dictate our lives. What when you may simply sit with the urge for a second, and see the Present in that sensation? What if the second of the urge is just what change seems like, and the Present is studying to be with the feeling of change?

As you possibly can see, Seeing the Present can unlock highly effective chance. All it takes is a willingness to sit down for a couple of moments, and a willingness to see.

Might the Present unlock new chance in your life.


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