Keto Chocolate Chip Cookies Recipe


These Keto chocolate chip cookies use almond flour as the principle ingredient and are sweetened together with your alternative of Keto brown sugar and your favourite white sugar substitute. They end up amazingly comfortable but a bit of crunchy and are tremendous arduous to cease consuming. You may surprise the way you ever survived earlier than discovering this recipe!

Woman holding a single Keto chocolate chip cookie in her hand zoomed in closely with two more distantly in the background.
Keto Chocolate Chip Cookies

Fact be informed – the Keto weight-reduction plan might be arduous to stay with so one in all my hacks is that I make a batch of those keto cookies occasionally and pull one out of the freezer each time I simply actually need one thing candy.

This retains me from consuming a complete batch and actually helps to fulfill my craving.


Ingredients in white bowls - butter, keto brown sugar (such as Swerve Brown or Besti Monk Fruit Allulose Blend Brown), granulated or crystallized monkfruit/allulose blend (such as Besti Monk Fruit Allulose Blend Crystallized), egg yolk, whole milk, vanilla, almond flour, coconut flour, salt, baking soda, stevia-sweetened chocolate chips
The substances

OK. OK. I do know the checklist of substances is a bit of lengthy however in case you have been doing Keto for lengthy in any respect, these ought to be completely acquainted to you and the little of this and little of that helps a lot with serving to them style like the actual deal.

  • Butter – softened however not absolutely melted. I desire unsalted as a result of I need to have the ability to management the quantity of salt and use Real Salt *.
  • Keto brown sugar – If you have not tried Besti Monk Fruit Allulose Mix Brown, I extremely suggest it. It tastes nice and does not give me a sugar excessive.
  • Keto white sugar – corresponding to Besti Monk Fruit Allulose Mix Crystallized sweetener
  • Egg yolk – this helps to bind them and rise
  • Entire milk – only a bit trigger you want a bit of liquid. I did not take a look at all of the choices, however any milk substitute ought to work tremendous.
  • Vanilla – this can be a lot of what offers chocolate chip cookies their distinctive taste
  • Almond flour * – that is the principle ingredient and a staple in Keto baking. It is excessive in protein and since it’s simply ground-up almonds, it has hardly any carbs however has the advantages of a bit of fiber. I don’t suggest any substitutions.
  • Coconut flour * – just a bit to present them some elevate and easy them out.
  • Stevia-sweetened chocolate chips – aren’t these one of the best?
  • Flaky sea salt, for topping – as soon as you purchase these things, you will see your self placing it on manner too many issues. It is simply so good and the complement of the candy and the salty is unbeatable. I simply can’t get sufficient of it. It seems fairly too. . .



Can I eat a chocolate chip cookie on Keto?

We’re speaking common, mainstream cookies. To start with – are you able to cease at only one? Second, are you positive what number of carbs are in that one cookie? They’ll have a spread of 10 to twenty or extra carbs in that one cookie. Third, your mind will get a style for “common” sugar and simply desires extra. You are attempting to coach your mind that it does not want sugar. Backside line – do not do it. Particularly when there are such a lot of good substitutes like these cookies on the market.

What are one of the best chocolate chips for Keto?

I desire ChocZero’s darkish chocolate chips (linked to within the recipe) since they’re sweetened with monkfruit however some individuals report an issue with their blood sugar after consuming them.
If that is you, strive some cacao nibs since they are not sweetened in any respect.

Is it OK to eat Keto desserts?

Desserts are tremendous to eat on the Keto weight-reduction plan so long as you’re staying underneath your whole carb restrict for the day or week – whichever manner you retain observe.
As with every thing, moderation is essential. One of many causes I prefer to bask in a Keto dessert on occasion is so I really feel glad and do not go loopy each every so often and eat 300 carbs price of desserts in a single sitting since I am unable to take it anymore and simply need to have one thing candy.

Can I freeze these?

Sure! They do not style fairly the identical however they’re virtually pretty much as good and are my favourite factor to do.
It not solely retains me from consuming too many once I first make them, however I additionally do not need to make them so typically and I can simply pull out a fast deal with each time I need one.
I simply unthaw it on the counter within the bag with it open for about half an hour and that does the trick.
They’re actually good in the event you put them within the toaster oven and bake them on 300 for a couple of minutes to simply heat them up and make them good and comfortable.
To freeze them, if I am feeling bold, I will put parchment paper between them and put them in quart freezer baggage. Or wrap them individually in plastic wrap. Generally I will put them in freezer baggage with out something between them and generally they’re tremendous however generally they stick collectively so it’s kind of of a raffle.


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Keto Chocolate Chip Cookies

Keto Chocolate Chip Cookies Recipe

  • Writer:
    Rebecca Baron

  • Prep Time:
    15 minutes

  • Cook dinner Time:
    18 minutes

  • Whole Time:
    33 minutes

  • Yield:
    14 cookies 1x


These use almond flour as the principle ingredient and are sweetened together with your alternative of Keto brown sugar and your favourite white sugar substitute. They end up amazingly comfortable but a bit of crunchy and are tremendous arduous to cease consuming. You may surprise the way you ever survived earlier than discovering this recipe!

  • ¼ cup unsalted butter, softened however not absolutely melted
  • ¼ cup keto brown sugar (corresponding to Swerve Brown or Besti Monk Fruit Allulose Mix Brown)
  • ¼ cup granulated or crystallized monkfruit/allulose mix (corresponding to Besti Monk Fruit Allulose Mix Crystallized)
  • 1 giant egg yolk
  • 1 tablespoon complete milk
  • 1 ½ teaspoons vanilla
  • 1 cup almond flour *
  • ½ tablespoon coconut flour *
  • ¼ teaspoon Real Salt *
  • ¼ teaspoon baking soda
  • ¾ cup Keto chocolate chips * or cacao nibs *
  • Sea salt flakes *, for topping (elective)


  1. Preheat the oven to 350F. Line 2 giant baking sheets with parchment paper.
  2. Whisk collectively the butter, keto brown sugar, and granulated monkfruit/allulose mix in a bowl.
  3. Whisk within the egg yolk, milk, and vanilla.
  4. Stir within the almond flour, coconut flour, salt, and baking soda.
  5. Stir within the chocolate chips.
  6. Use a 1 ½-tablespoon scoop to measure out the dough. Roll it into balls, arranging them 6 to eight per baking sheet.
  7. Pop the entire tray within the freezer to sit back the dough balls for five minutes. Switch the baking sheet from the freezer on to the oven.
  8. Bake the cookies one tray at a time till they’re golden across the exterior however nonetheless look a contact doughy within the heart, about 9 minutes.
  9. If utilizing the flaky sea salt, frivolously sprinkle every cookie proper once they come out of the oven.
  10. Let the cookies cool for 10 minutes on the tray earlier than transferring them to a wire rack to complete cooling.
  11. Retailer in an hermetic container at room temperature for as much as one week.

Many Keto chocolate chip cookies on a white plate on a white background sprinkled with sea salt flakes

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