4 Prayers For Confidence


Combating vanity and insecurities? Use these prayers for confidence to beat worry and lies and develop your id in Christ.

Insecurity can creep into our lives simply. I might guess that there’s not a single particular person on earth who doesn’t battle with some type of insecurity. There are various issues that persons are insecure about.

Probably the most outstanding one is the way in which we glance. Many people are used to nitpicking ourselves within the mirror or attempting to cowl up part of ourselves that we dislike.

This insecurity, which may usually flip into low self-esteem is what usually leaves many people feeling lower than assured. However what does true confidence actually seem like? The world’s definition of confidence is being confident and feeling succesful and agency in your skills.

One of many different ways in which the world promotes confidence is thru what we seem like, or how we feature ourselves. Typically there may be even a “starter pack” for what this seems like. It may be carrying slim becoming, or revealing clothes, having a “fascinating” physique or making a lot of cash.

Once we take a fast scroll on social media, it’s no marvel that so many individuals, even Christians really feel a insecurity or unhappiness with themselves.

There are such a lot of photos to match ourselves to, however we frequently overlook that what we’re seeing is a curated image, and we attempt to examine our actuality with that on-line life that we solely see glimpses of.

It’s essential for us to appreciate that our price, and confidence had been by no means meant to come back from exterior sources. When that’s the case, we are going to all the time be striving to succeed in a purpose put up that’s always transferring, and when it modifications, it’s as if all our price and confidence shatter together with it.

Once we develop into new creatures in Christ, our outdated self, who strived for price, confidence, or vanity dies together with us. We not need to cater to our flesh, as a result of we have now a brand new identity in Christ.

It not turns into confidence in self, it turns into confidence in Christ. It not is about our outward look, or whether or not it’s aligned with the world’s requirements, it’s about God’s fact regarding us.

His fact says that we had been made in His picture. He made us fearfully and splendidly, and knit us collectively intricately in our mom’s womb with particular care and a spotlight.

In case you’re combating low vanity, the world will let you know to look deeper into your self, however what God’s phrase tells us is to take our eyes off ourselves and look to Christ. In Him, we discover our true worth and confidence.

You’ll be able to carry these issues to God in prayer, ask Him that can assist you repair your eyes on Him, and start to see your self the way in which He sees you.

4 Prayers for Confidence & Low Self-Esteem

Prayers For Confidence - woman looking up and laughing

1. Prayer to Develop in Your Identification in Christ

“However you’re a chosen individuals, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s particular possession, that you could be declare the praises of him who referred to as you out of darkness into his great mild.” – 1 Peter 2:9

Heavenly Father,

I’m so grateful that I can look to You for my id. I admit, there are a lot of occasions after I lose sight of You, and I overlook the place my true price lies. Typically the world’s requirements really feel crushing, and it’s onerous to take my eyes off of it.

However I do know that I used to be by no means meant to dwell as much as these expectations, and they’re momentary and unsatisfactory at its core. Please forgive me for looking for my id on the planet, when it will possibly solely be present in You. At any time when I really feel insufficient or insecure, remind me to show to Your phrase, and to meditate on what You may have already stated about me.

Your phrase says that I’m part of a selected individuals, a royal priesthood, and a holy nation. I’m your particular possession, and there may be nothing that the world can provide that can ever examine to that fact. Please assist me to develop within the data of Christ, and in consequence develop in my id in Christ. In Jesus’ identify, amen.

2. Prayer to Be Reworked by God’s Phrase, Not Conformed to the World

“Subsequently, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to supply your our bodies as a residing sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—that is your true and correct worship. Don’t conform to the sample of this world, however be reworked by the renewing of your thoughts. Then it is possible for you to to check and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and ideal will.” – Romans 12:1-2


Thank You for giving us Your phrase, by which we will know You, and be taught, convicted, outfitted, challenged, inspired and altered. The day that I gave my life to Christ, is the day that my outdated self was crucified and I rose to a brand new self, who’s alive to Christ and useless to sin.

Although I not am a slave to sin, my flesh nonetheless struggles inside me. A kind of struggles that I face is low vanity, and evaluating myself to the world and people round me. However Your Phrase jogs my memory that my physique is just not meant to be a residing sacrifice for the world and its requirements. It’s meant to be a residing sacrifice to God, and You gave me it to serve You.

Please rework my thoughts, and the way in which that I take into consideration myself. Assist me to not conform to the world, however to be renewed in my thoughts. Grant me the eyes to see myself as You do, and to be Christ centered, not self centered. In Jesus’ identify, amen.

3. Prayer to Overcome Worry

“The Lord is my mild and my salvation whom shall I worry? The Lord is the stronghold of my lifetime of whom shall I be afraid?” – Psalm 27:1


I always really feel pushed by worry, the issues that I wish to do, I don’t do out of worry and a insecurity. I do know that in Christ, there may be nothing that I must worry. However I do know that it isn’t one thing that comes simple, it’s one thing that requires religion and day by day software.

Your phrase says that the start of wisdom is the worry of the Lord. I confess, there are occasions when it appears as if I worry individuals greater than I worry You. Although I’ll not outright say that, my actions do at occasions present this to be true. I do know that that’s no method to dwell, and that it’ll solely cripple me.

Please assist me to develop in my reverence and awe towards You, and have a disposition of affection in direction of others, not worry.

Remind me that I don’t need to worry something or anybody when You might be my stronghold and my salvation. Please grant me the arrogance to do what I must do, or what You name me to do, figuring out that You may be with me each step of the way in which. In Jesus’ identify, amen.

4. Prayer for Braveness & Confidence

“Have I not commanded you? Be sturdy and brave. Don’t be afraid; don’t be discouraged, for the LORD your God will likely be with you wherever you go.” – Joshua 1:9

Lord in Heaven,

At the moment I’m in want of the form of braveness and confidence that solely You can provide. Typically I really feel completely terrified, and I battle with feeling assured. However I’m reminded right now that it isn’t confidence in myself that You name me to.

It’s confidence in You. Once I have a look at myself, all I see is my shortcomings, however after I look to Christ, I see perfection. I see all that my coronary heart wants. Please assist me to look to Christ who strengthens me and makes use of even the components of me that I may even see as defective, for His good.

Once I bear in mind who You might be, and what Your character is like, it strengthens my id in You. I do know that You may have created the world, and the whole lot in it, which implies that there’s nothing that’s inconceivable for You.

As a result of I’m Yours, and You might be all the time with me, which means that I don’t need to be afraid as a result of there may be nothing that You might be afraid of.

Please assist me to meditate on who You might be in occasions after I really feel ridden with doubt and worry, and all I wish to do is run or disguise. Assist me to face firmly on Your shoulders and rise above the issues or those that I’ve lived in worry of.

I ask that Your Holy Spirit would fill me with braveness within the occasions after I want it most, and that You’ll strengthen me. Assist me to not enable worry to take my eyes off of You, and to rob me of the peace, energy and braveness that’s present in Christ. In Jesus’ identify, amen.

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