5 Acres & A Dream: Garden Notes: January 2023



  • Third-4th: 3.2″
  • eighth: 0.5″ 
  • twelfth: 0.65″
  • seventeenth: 0.75″
  • 18th: 0.3″
  • twenty second 1.2″
  • twenty fifth: 1.6″
  • Complete thus far: 8.2 inches


  • vary of nighttime lows: 22-57°F (-5 to 14°C)
  • vary of daytime excessive: 42-68°F (5 to twenty°C)

Not a lot to report garden-wise this month. We misplaced our winter backyard through the December winter kill, and it has been too chilly, windy, or wet to do a lot open air. However the daffodils are blooming, and that is a cheerful sight.

With all of the rain and chilly temps, the bottom’s too moist to work on swales and swale beds. My backyard mission on good days has been to complete mattress clean-up and mulching.
I am engaged on re-mulching a number of the aisles too. 

The beds are mulched with leaves and the aisles are scraped with a shovel. Then I put down a layer of cardboard and prime with woodchips. That can final for about two years, till the weeds begin popping by means of. Then I scrape up the decomposing wooden chips, combine them with compost, and unfold them in a vacant backyard mattress to age a bit extra.

Subsequent month, I will kind by means of my seeds and make a backyard plan. 

Anybody have something occurring of their backyard?


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