Doctoral Program Attrition (guest post)


“[A]s it seems, the speed of attrition from philosophy doctoral applications typically exceeds 30 p.c.”

Within the following visitor publish, Martin Willard and Carolyn Dicey Jennings (UC Merced) talk about attrition charges at doctoral applications in philosophy in the US and Canada, why they’re necessary, and the worth of graduate applications disclosing them.

[Richard Tuttle, “IV” from Stacked Color Drawings]

Doctoral Program Attrition
by Martin Willard and Carolyn Dicey Jennings

Anybody who has earned a philosophy PhD within the US or Canada is aware of that not everybody who enters doctoral applications completes them. Even college students who obtain fellowships to attend highly-ranked applications don’t at all times full them. No doctoral program is resistant to the issue of attrition. Typically college students go away for causes having nothing to do with their course of research: well being or different private causes; household causes, together with relocating with one’s associate; monetary causes, particularly for many who don’t obtain monetary assist; and different causes that may come up whatever the course of examine.

Different college students go away their applications for causes extra particular to the applications themselves. They may go away for tutorial causes, switch to a different doctoral program, or go away as a result of they now not wish to examine philosophy on the doctoral degree. Those that go away as a result of they now not wish to pursue a PhD in philosophy have quite a lot of typically overlapping causes: they’re now not considering instructing, they’ve determined to pursue careers outdoors the academy, they discover educational/departmental life too stifling, they need to make more cash than academia provides, they consider they’ll by no means end and are involved they’re losing their time, they consider a grasp’s diploma in philosophy has happy their philosophical “itch,” and so forth. College students leaving for these sorts of causes usually find yourself in careers outdoors the academy.

Sadly, statistics on attrition from doctoral applications in philosophy should not maintained in any dependable or complete approach. Varied websites observe nonacademic careers for philosophy PhDs,[1] however none—at the very least none of which we’re conscious—reliably observe doctoral program attrition or completion.[2] The shortage of dependable attrition information is important. Though attrition needn’t mirror the standard of a given program or job prospects for its graduates, it actually can. When a pupil leaves one program for an additional, this will say one thing about that pupil’s views of the relative deserves of the 2 applications. And when a pupil leaves philosophy solely, this typically says one thing in regards to the pupil’s notion of educational philosophy as a profession. College students contemplating a program have an curiosity in understanding whether or not that program has a comparatively excessive proportion of scholars who don’t move the excellent or qualifying course of. College students likewise have an curiosity in understanding what quantity in the end keep in academia and what quantity start careers outdoors of academia. This requires entry to attrition data.

Potential doctoral college students in philosophy acquire varied bits of details about the graduate applications they’re contemplating. They often know the place their undergraduate academics obtained their levels, and people professors may properly advocate their alma maters or different doctoral applications with which they’re acquainted. College students additionally know the place the philosophers whose papers they’ve learn (and whom they’re maybe looking for to emulate) hold their hats. College students have entry to a number of extra sources of data: the web site of every division into consideration; the Philosophical Gourmet Report (PGR); APDA; and the APA’s Guide to Graduate Programs in Philosophy. The departmental web site accommodates things like the departmental school and their areas of specialization, the necessities of the doctoral program, out there monetary assist and, often, a web page entitled “Placement.” The PGR accommodates an evaluation (and rating) of the standard of the doctoral applications it evaluates, based mostly on exterior school evaluations of the school in every division. APDA gives evaluations of doctoral applications supplied by former college students in addition to the proportion of previous graduates of every PhD program who’ve obtained employment in educational and nonacademic jobs, amongst different data. The APA Information experiences details about attrition, time to diploma, and placement—although not all departments are equally assiduous about responding to the APA’s requests for this data.

After all, the job disaster in philosophy and the humanities extra usually is well-known, and the problem of doctoral program transparency—transparency about departmental attrition, demographics, time to diploma, and placement—is starting to be acknowledged, too. However the majority of doctoral applications don’t disclose attrition data on their departmental web sites. That is unlucky as a result of, because it seems, the speed of attrition from philosophy doctoral applications typically exceeds 30 p.c.[3]

Let’s have a look at a number of the numbers. The College of Wisconsin, for instance, tracks not solely its personal doctoral applications’ completion charges but in addition these of its Affiliation of American Universities “peer” establishments.[4] For roughly 15–20 of the College’s peer doctoral applications in philosophy at public universities (a complete of 97 coming into college students), 56 p.c of the scholars who entered in 2006 accomplished their respective applications inside ten years after coming into this system, 8 p.c remained in this system after ten years, and 36 p.c have been now not enrolled in this system and didn’t full it. Equally, 55 p.c of the scholars on the peer doctoral applications who entered in 2007 (102 complete college students) accomplished their respective applications inside 9 years after coming into this system, 9 p.c remained in this system after 9 years, and 36 p.c have been now not enrolled in this system and didn’t full it. For this group of AAU peer universities, then, the philosophy doctoral program attrition price was 36 p.c (PhD Retention/Completion Rates).[5]

Equally, the College of California system tracks its doctoral program completion charges (UC Doctoral Program Statistics). For philosophy cohorts coming into the eight doctoral applications within the UC system from 2006 to 2009—a complete of about 185 coming into college students throughout that four-year interval—49 p.c accomplished the applications in eight years and 62 p.c accomplished the applications in ten years. Whereas UC doesn’t present attrition charges, the reported ten-year completion price suggests an attrition price within the neighborhood of 30 p.c.[6] The general admission price for these eight doctoral applications is simply 10 p.c, indicating that it isn’t an absence of selectivity that causes this degree of attrition.[7] The three most selective applications within the UC system had ten-year completion charges of 62 p.c (UC Berkeley), 77 p.c (UCLA) and 66 p.c (UC San Diego) for his or her 2006-2009 coming into cohorts.

Attrition charges can be found for different well-known doctoral applications, though this data is often supplied on the institutional degree, not the departmental degree. For cohorts of scholars coming into the College of Pittsburgh’s doctoral program throughout the ten-year interval from 2006 to 2015, the typical annual price of attrition was 31 p.c (Doctoral Program Statistics).[8] For cohorts of scholars coming into Princeton College’s philosophy doctoral program between 2000 and 2009 (complete=94), 74 p.c had accomplished the doctoral program and 23 p.c had left as of June 2022 (PhD Completion and Cohort Analysis).[9] For cohorts coming into NYU’s doctoral program throughout the ten-year interval from 2005 to 2014 (complete=65), the attrition price was 20 p.c.[10] At Yale College 17 p.c of philosophy doctoral college students coming into throughout the eight-year interval from 2009 to 2016—8 of 46 doctoral college students—had left this system as of October 2021 (Graduate School Statistics). At MIT, the attrition price for coming into cohorts of doctoral college students in linguistics and philosophy from 2006 by way of 2014 was 16 p.c (Graduate Education Statistics).[11] On the College of Michigan, 7 of 61 of doctoral college students coming into from 2006 to 2015—11 p.c—left this system with out finishing it as of September 2022 (Program Statistics).

In contrast, the attrition price for the196 ABA accredited legislation colleges averages 7 p.c (ABA Required Disclosures). And the attrition price for the extra extremely ranked (roughly the highest 50) legislation colleges is far decrease—lower than 2 p.c.[12]

The purpose right here is to not name consideration to the attrition charges of any specific doctoral applications. Somewhat, it’s to recommend that that is the form of data that must be accessible to potential graduate college students. Furthermore, though workplaces of institutional analysis at many universities publish attrition or completion charges, only a few philosophy departments publish this data on their web sites.[13] Some may argue that attrition data is deceptive except one is aware of the explanations for every departure. Each UNC and Wisconsin present details about whether or not the scholar left with or and not using a grasp’s diploma, and UNC experiences whether or not the scholar transferred to a different program. It additionally is straightforward sufficient to incorporate, together with the attrition statistics, a normal assertion in regards to the varied causes a pupil might need for leaving a program.[14] In our view, if a 21-year previous potential pupil is able to deciding whether or not to enroll in a seven-year doctoral program in philosophy, then they probably have the power to interpret that program’s attrition information as properly.

In a latest Blog of the APA publish Kevin Zollman argues that the extraordinarily difficult job marketplace for everlasting positions in philosophy doesn’t justify downsizing doctoral applications. (See additionally Justin Weinberg’s publish at Daily Nous.) Potential college students must be free to make their very own decisions about whether or not to pursue a graduate diploma in philosophy.[15] However as Professor Zollman notes, departmental school have to be sincere in regards to the dangers inherent in attending a doctoral program. These dangers embrace attrition charges, median time to diploma, preliminary job placement, and long-term placement (5 and ten years after diploma). Thus far this sort of transparency is basically missing, even amongst selective doctoral applications. We expect it’s previous time for main doctoral applications to start disclosing the dangers of enrollment—together with the danger that the matriculant won’t ever end.

To see this, examine the vary described above by way of attrition: 11 to 36 p.c. The imply variety of 2012-2021 PhD graduates per program lined by APDA is 40. Thus, a low attrition program would have graduated 40 of an authentic 45 coming into PhD college students, whereas a excessive attrition program would have graduated 40 of an authentic 63 coming into PhD college students. The imply proportion of graduates from this era now in everlasting educational employment is 38 p.c (round 15 of the 40 college students, on common). If we embrace attrition data, the proportion of coming into PhD college students now in everlasting educational employment may range from a excessive of 34 p.c for low attrition applications to 24 p.c for top attrition applications. This can be a distinction of round 1 in 3 to round 1 in 4 of the incoming college students ultimately getting everlasting educational jobs. We take this to be a distinction value speaking to potential graduate college students.

To assist visualize this, we created an infographic that highlights in orange these college students now in everlasting educational positions. Price noting is how the orange group—that’s, the proportion of those that find yourself in everlasting educational jobs relative to all coming into PhD college students—varies with attrition price. The primary pair of slides use the vary of 11 p.c (low attrition) to 36 p.c (excessive attrition) with common employment charges, whereas the second pair of slides examine two precise applications for demonstration functions (Yale and Pittsburgh). The primary pair of slides use APDA imply values for all 2012-2021 PhD graduates (38 p.c in everlasting educational jobs, 38 p.c in non permanent educational jobs, 15 p.c in nonacademic jobs; APDA blog post), whereas the second pair use concrete values from the applications in query (APDA table).

Additional, philosophy as an instructional self-discipline has an curiosity in higher understanding the nonacademic careers of its PhD graduates and serving to to arrange them for these careers. With out attrition data now we have an incomplete grasp of what number of PhD college students in the end discover themselves in nonacademic careers. If we take the identical infographic used above and alter the colour codes, we will visualize this:

Now, all college students who’ve attrited are coded with the identical purple hue (however a unique shade) as these now in nonacademic careers (since it’s probably that these and not using a PhD at the moment are in nonacademic careers). As above, it’s value noting the change within the proportion of purple from the primary to the second slide, and from the third to the fourth slide. Once more, this distinction makes it all of the extra clear {that a} important proportion of those that embark on PhD levels in philosophy at the moment are in nonacademic careers, and so philosophers ought to contemplate how greatest to arrange their PhD college students for these careers.

Going ahead, two questions warrant additional consideration. First, what’s one of the best ways of amassing and reporting attrition data? And second, what does the details about attrition we have already got inform us about philosophy doctoral applications? Concerning the primary query, attrition data displayed on departmental web sites is way more accessible to potential college students than data solely out there on the institutional degree. The format utilized by North Carolina and Wisconsin is each straightforward to take care of and easy to grasp. It’s extra helpful than seven-, eight-, or ten-year completion information, which often omit closing attrition information. Likewise, it’s higher than annual attrition charges which, if uncooked numbers of attrited college students are omitted, don’t allow calculation of attrition charges over a number of years.

Concerning the second query, we consider that top charges of attrition, along with excessive charges of nonacademic employment for doctoral program graduates, belie any suggestion that the one operate of a philosophy doctoral program is to coach college school. On the contrary, in gentle of the varied profession paths doctoral program matriculants the truth is take, program school ought to assist the profession paths of all doctoral college students, together with those that in the end select to not pursue college instructing positions.


[1] See, for instance, the web site Academic Philosophy Data & Analysis (APDA).
[2] Equally, it’s tough to acquire dependable and complete statistics about these philosophy PhDs who train for just a few years after which go away academia.
[3] The next analysis on diploma completion and attrition was undertaken by Martin Willard.
[4] The college doesn’t determine its AAU friends besides to say that they’re “comparable applications at different public AAU establishments.”
[5] Throughout the interval 2006-2015 the College of Wisconsin-Madison doctoral program enrolled 68 doctoral college students. Of that quantity, 20 (29 p.c) didn’t end and have been now not enrolled as of 2022 (UW-Madison Program Statistics).
[6] This assumes that roughly 8 p.c of the scholars remained enrolled after ten years, a determine in keeping with Wisconsin’s AAU peer information.
[7] UC System philosophy doctoral program common admission price is for the interval 2016-21.
[8] Pittsburgh doesn’t determine the variety of college students in every cohort. Because of this, the full attrition price for the interval 2006-2015 may differ from the typical annual price of attrition.
[9] The typical annual price of attrition for Princeton’s coming into cohorts from 2006 to 2015 is 17 p.c.
[10] NYU’s philosophy division supplied this data January 10, 2023.
[11] MIT combines attrition information for its linguistics and philosophy doctoral college students.
[12] See TaxProf Blog for an evaluation of relationship between legislation college attrition charges and median LSAT scores.
[13] Alternatively, some applications—the College of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC) (UNC Program Statistics) and the College of Wisconsin-Madison (UW-Madison Program Statistics), for instance—publish on their departmental web sites the outcomes of every coming into cohort: the variety of college students coming into this system, the quantity finishing it, and the quantity who left this system with out finishing it.
[14] UNC places it this manner: “Causes for leaving this system range broadly. Some college students might resolve that they now not want to pursue philosophy. Some might go away for tutorial or medical causes. Some might merely obtain alternatives to pursue different actions that they discover extra engaging. Even college students from the identical cohort who’re at present enrolled in our program might range broadly of their progress: college students could also be practically accomplished with their dissertations or be on prolonged private go away. Regardless of the coarse-grained character of the next data, we hope that you simply discover it helpful.”
[15] Justin Weinberg makes an analogous level in Against Reducing the Number of Philosophy PhDs.

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