Bryan Hill on the Confidence to be Creative


This can be a basic episode from 2021.

Bryan Hill is a tv, movie, and comedian ebook author. His work in comics consists of writing for Batman and Buffy’s Angel and his work in tv consists of HBO Max’s Titans, and Ash vs. The Evil Useless. He’s a practitioner of Stoicism, and has included Stoic concepts into his craft of writing.

On this dialogue, Michael Tremblay and Bryan cowl the best way to use Stoicism to beat the ego, imposter syndrome, and worry of rejection that comes with pursuing any craft.

They speak about studying to commit your self to strategy of self-improvement, slightly than in search of exterior validation. Additionally they speak about the best way to overcome the worry of being dangerous at one thing by studying to offer your self permission to be a newbie.

This dialog is a should pay attention for anybody who has struggled with their very own confidence and self-identity, and needs particular methods to assist.

(01:11) Intro

(02:14) The Influence of Stoicism

(15:10) Overcoming Imposter Syndrome

(28:25) Decide to the Course of

(36:07) Looking for Excellence

(44:54) What Bryan’s Struggled With the Most

(50:29) Stoicism in Bryan’s Craft

Stoa Conversations is Caleb Ontiveros and Michael Tremblay’s podcast on Stoic idea and follow.

Caleb and Michael work collectively on the Stoa app (iPhone, Android). Stoa is designed that can assist you construct resilience and concentrate on what issues. It combines the sensible philosophy of Stoicism with trendy strategies and meditation.

Hearken to extra episodes and be taught extra right here:

Subscribe to The Stoa Letter for weekly meditations, actions, and hyperlinks to one of the best Stoic assets:

Caleb Ontiveros has a background in tutorial philosophy (MA) and startups. His favourite Stoic is Marcus Aurelius. Comply with him right here:

Michael Tremblay additionally has a background in tutorial philosophy (PhD) the place he centered on Epictetus. He’s additionally a black belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. His favourite Stoic is Epictetus. Comply with him right here:

Thanks to Michael Levy for graciously letting us use his music within the conversations:


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