Easy and healthy egg-in-hole bagel recipe for quick lunch


In case you have by no means seen an egg-in-hole bagel earlier than it’s a nice recipe that’s filling and nutritious and fast to make which implies it’s nice for busy households who need to eat healthily. Right here I’ll share with you how one can make it and a few suggestions to make sure that you’re keen on yours as a lot as I like mine.

This recipe was created by Bella Bucchiotti who is a well-liked meals blogger who has some wonderful pictures abilities and makes gorgeous recipes.

What’s an egg-in-hole bagel?

An egg-in-hole bagel is a very easy recipe that mixes bagels, eggs cheese and some greens to create a balanced dish which is ideal for snacks or a major meal relying in your selection of portion measurement. If you happen to like boiled eggs, bagels and cheese then that is undoubtedly a recipe for you!

When do you have to eat the egg-in-hole bagel?

Relying on the fillings that you just select this may be loved as a breakfast, lunch and even dinner. It might be served with a salad, some chips or by itself. Consider it a bit like a panini, one thing good by itself however equally good with a aspect dish!

Beneath I’ve talked about some adaptions that you may attempt, a few of which lend themselves extra to breakfasts or lunches. Everybody has completely different tastes so mess around together with your elements and make some new flavours too.

Selecting the perfect elements

This recipe is designed to serve two because it makes use of two bagels however actually the selection is yours it could be straightforward to make it for one as an alternative by halving the elements or enjoying round with completely different elements.

The primary ingredient is 2 bagels lower in half for this recipe seeded bagels are used however you should use no matter your favourites are. I wouldn’t nonetheless suggest the cinnamon and raisin bagels as they’re a bit sweeter and wouldn’t go as properly for my part however the selection is yours.

The olive oil on this recipe might be substituted for an additional oil if you happen to desire, you may even use garlic or chilli-infused oil for an alternate flavour.

One of the best eggs for this recipe are contemporary eggs as they’re firmer and the yolk holds its form higher when cooked nevertheless it doesn’t matter an excessive amount of so use whichever you’ve out there.

The grated mozzarella on this dish is ideal because it melts properly however the quantity you employ is versatile and you may even swap the cheese for an additional cheese if you want.

Chopped spring onions add some color in addition to flavour to those egg-in-hole bagels so they’re an ideal addition however if you happen to don’t like them there may be nothing to cease you from omitting them.

Salt and pepper to style merely are right down to you, some individuals like plenty of salt, whereas others don’t ever add it when cooking! The identical goes for the chopped parsley. It provides a bit of flavour, makes the dish look good and provides some color and nutritional vitamins, it isn’t important although if you happen to don’t have any!

The way to make the recipe more healthy

In case you are following a weight loss plan or wholesome consuming plan then there are some things you are able to do to make this recipe more healthy.

You might have much less and have an enormous aspect salad with them. This reduces the energy general of your portion.

One other change you may make is to make use of reduced-fat cheese. If you happen to select to do that nonetheless you must you should definitely test that it’s one which melts properly. Some go very rubbery in my expertise.

To cut back the energy, syns or factors you may additionally not add the oil and as an alternative use spray oil or nothing in any respect. This can change the style a bit of however not massively if that is essential to you.

Selecting wholegrain or seeded bagels is normally a bit of more healthy than white bagels so that is one thing to think about too.

Step-by-step directions

Preheat the oven to 190°C/375˚F/Fuel 5.

Reduce the bagels in half after which with a cookie cutter (any form you fancy) lower a bigger gap within the centre of the bagels. While they normally include a small gap it isn’t massive sufficient for what we’d like. The half that’s lower away may be saved and made into croutons for soup one other day.

Brush the bagels with olive oil. A silicone brush is ideal for this.

Place the bagel on a baking sheet coated with parchment paper and crack the eggs proper within the centre.

Prime with mozzarella cheese and spring onion.

Place within the oven and cook dinner for quarter-hour.

As soon as cooked, take away from the oven and sprinkle with contemporary parsley, season with salt and pepper to style. (Relying on the kind of bagel you employ, chances are you’ll not want any salt and pepper.)

Serve and luxuriate in.

Adaptions to attempt

This actually is a recipe that you would be able to mess around with and have enjoyable with so many flavour choices out there. A number of you would possibly like are:

  • Including ham to make a ham and cheese egg-in-hole bagel.
  • Utilizing chilli-infused oil and some chilli flakes to make it spicy.
  • Serve with bacon, beans, mushrooms and so forth for a breakfast bagel.
  • Attempt avocado or guacamole and rocket to make a tasty possibility.
  • Feta and tomato would additionally go rather well for this recipe.


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A fast straightforward recipe for egg-in-hole bagels all of the household will love. Good for a fast breakfast or lunch.

Preheat the oven to 190°C/375˚F/Fuel 5

Reduce the bagels in half after which with a cookie cutter (the form you need) lower a bigger gap within the centre of the bagels.

Brush the bagels with olive oil.

Place the bagel on a baking sheet coated with parchment paper and crack the eggs proper within the centre.

Prime with mozzarella cheese and spring onion.

Place within the oven and cook dinner for quarter-hour.

As soon as cooked, take away from the oven and sprinkle with contemporary parsley, season with salt and pepper to style.


You may hold the opening of the bagel, and make croutons out of it

This can hold within the fridge for as much as 4 days

For the reason that eggs on this recipe usually are not runny and have extra like a boiled egg texture. These are good to usher in a lunch box and may be eaten at room temperature.

Key phrases: egg-in-hole bagel, straightforward lunch, straightforward breakfast,

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