EP371: Porn Addiction, Vulnerability, and Finding Your Shadow with Connor Beaton


Connor Beaton is an Creator, Podcaster, Relationship Professional, and Coach. On this episode, Drew and Connor chat about habit, quitting porn, how hitting all-time low modified Connor’s trajectory of life, what it takes to develop a deeply significant life, and way more! This podcast is filled with nice ideas for these combating addictions of any type, whether or not that’s porn, meals, medicine, or another habit. 




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[06:15] Connor’s distinctive upbringing, the ache of rising up in a cut up household, and the way his childhood has formed the remainder of his life.


[13:42] How Connor developed a porn habit at a younger age, the troubling pattern of pre-teens consuming pornography.


[20:16] The absence of “intercourse speak” in Connor’s upbringing, and the significance of educating younger boys about their intense emotions and how one can take care of them.


[25:10] Connor’s all-time low second, the way it helped him be taught who he actually was, and why it’s so widespread for males to usually self-implode in younger maturity.


[33:05] Opening as much as others, and the facility of “confession,” and why vulnerability is power.


[41:50] What trendy males are missing, and how one can develop a deep, significant life.


[43:57] Jungian Psychology, “the shadow,” and why recognizing your personal insecurities is essential to altering your life.


[48:12] Easy methods to take care of your “shadow,” and how one can combine the darkish facets of your self in an effort to achieve company over your subconsciousness.


[54:36] The method of quitting porn, and two practices that helped Connor kick his habit.


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