Yaoshan’s Discourse – Zen Fools


Yaoshan had not given a discourse within the dharma corridor for a while. The monastery director mentioned, “The meeting has lengthy been eager to obtain educating from you. Please give a discourse to the meeting, Grasp.”

Yaoshan requested him to sound the drum. The monastics got here collectively. Yaoshan took the excessive seat, sat there for some time, received down, and went again to the abbot’s room. The monastery director adopted him and requested, “Grasp, you agreed to offer a discourse to the meeting. Why didn’t you say a phrase?” Yaoshan mentioned, “Scriptural academics are for scriptures. Commentary academics are for commentaries. What do you count on from this previous monastic?”

Pupil: “Why didn’t Yaoshan say a phrase to not point out a discourse?”

Grasp: “Don’t say that he didn’t give any educating.”


What issues shouldn’t be a discourse however educating.

©Boo Ahm

All writing ©Boo Ahm. All photos ©Simon Hathaway


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