Weakness of Will


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Why do you do issues you understand you shouldn’t?

The traditional time period for doing what you knew wasn’t finest for was akrasia or weak spot of will. Plato and Aristotle believed in it. The Stoics didn’t. What this implies and why it issues for us in the present day is the topic of this episode.

(01:04) What’s Weak point of Will

(11:54) Plato on Weak point of Will

(22:22) Aristotle

(28:44) The Stoics

(36:31) The Early Stoic Answer

(41:27) Epictetus and Weak Beliefs

(49:14) Nonreflective Judgments

(53:18) Sensible Upshot

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Take heed to extra episodes and be taught extra right here: https://stoameditation.com/blog/stoa-conversations/

Due to Michael Levy for graciously letting us use his music within the conversations: https://ancientlyre.com/


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