Hofling’s Hospital Experiment of Obedience


Hofling’s Hospital Experiment of Obedience is a basic research in social psychology that investigated the diploma to which nurses in a hospital would obey an authority determine, even when doing so meant violating moral {and professional} requirements. The research, carried out by psychologist Stanley Milgram’s scholar Charles Hofling in 1966, had vital implications for our understanding of obedience to authority and the potential penalties of blindly following orders.


The experiment was carried out within the context of the healthcare system, the place nurses are sometimes in positions of authority and accountability. The research was designed to analyze how nurses would reply after they had been ordered by a health care provider to manage a drug that exceeded the hospital’s advisable dosage restrict. The research aimed to make clear the extent to which authority figures might affect people to behave in ways in which had been opposite to their ethical and moral values.

The Experiment

The experiment concerned using a accomplice physician, who referred to as nurses on the cellphone and instructed them to manage an unknown drug to a affected person. The drug was referred to as “Astroten” and was not listed within the hospital’s drug handbook. The dosage of the drug exceeded the utmost advisable restrict, and the bundle had a warning label stating that the drug shouldn’t be given to sufferers who had been taking sure different drugs.

The nurses who obtained the cellphone name weren’t knowledgeable that they had been collaborating in an experiment and had been led to consider that the physician was an actual doctor. The experiment was carried out in a hospital within the northeastern United States and concerned 22 nurses.


The outcomes of the research had been alarming. Out of the 22 nurses who had been examined, 21 had been keen to manage the drug, although doing so violated the hospital’s guidelines and the nurses’ skilled code of ethics. The one nurse who refused to manage the drug was the one who had beforehand obtained coaching on moral points in nursing.

Furthermore, the nurses didn’t take any steps to confirm the identification of the physician or the drug’s dosage and potential unwanted effects. Additionally they didn’t seek the advice of with their supervisors or colleagues, who might have offered steerage on how one can deal with the state of affairs.


Hofling’s experiment had vital implications for our understanding of obedience to authority and the results of blindly following orders. The research demonstrated that people might be influenced by authority figures to behave in ways in which had been opposite to their ethical and moral values, even in conditions that posed potential hurt to others.

The experiment additionally highlighted the significance {of professional} coaching and training in making ready people to make moral selections in advanced conditions. The nurse who had obtained coaching on moral points was the one one who refused to manage the drug, highlighting the essential function of training in selling moral decision-making.

Furthermore, the research had sensible implications for the healthcare system, the place the potential for hurt to sufferers is excessive. The outcomes of the research urged that healthcare professionals wanted to concentrate on the potential for obedience to authority to result in unethical conduct and take steps to stop it.


Hofling’s Hospital Experiment of Obedience is a basic research in social psychology that demonstrated the extent to which people might be influenced by authority figures to behave in ways in which had been opposite to their ethical and moral values. The research had vital implications for our understanding of obedience to authority and the potential penalties of blindly following orders.

The experiment highlighted the significance {of professional} coaching and training in selling moral decision-making and the necessity for healthcare professionals to concentrate on the potential for obedience to authority to result in unethical conduct. The research stays related at present, because it continues to tell discussions on ethics, professionalism, and the function of authority in shaping conduct.

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