Q. It is said that the enlightened should be equipped with divine power. Why can’t they reveal part of their divine power? – Zen Fools


A. Many individuals appear to mistake divine energy for a supernatural skill past our scientific comprehension equivalent to foretelling the longer term and saving folks from their diseases. The truth is, such issues don’t have anything to do with Buddhism. The divine energy in Buddhism is one other title of the true-Self. No matter we do, our lives themselves are the capabilities of the divine energy, and wherever we’re, we can’t be separated from the divine energy. We can’t cease revealing divine energy even for a second. That’s the reason historic masters would say that hiding the true-Self is harder than revealing it.

The actual fact is that there is no such thing as a one who isn’t geared up with divine energy, and who isn’t revealing it. Everyone is provided with it and is revealing it unceasingly. The important thing level is whether or not we realize it or not. That the enlightened are geared up with divine energy signifies that they’re clearly conscious of it. So, historic masters would say that they may use it at will anytime.

Scholar: “What’s divine energy?”

Grasp: “Thanks for exhibiting it.”

©Boo Ahm

All writing ©Boo Ahm. All photos ©Simon Hathaway


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