Meditating with your teenage-self – Toby Ouvry Meditation


“The ‘teenage self’ is one among a number of points of our inner-self or psyche that, if we take the time to hook up with, we are able to discover ourselves being enriched. For instance, if I’m nicely related to my interior teenager, then I can draw upon his innate curiosity, ambition and urge for food for all times in a method that different middle-aged folks who lack an important connection to their interior teenager can’t!”

Pricey Toby, 

This weeks article comes below the area of what you would possibly name ‘Theraputic mindfulness’, & has sturdy, express connections to the wellbeing of our psychological self. It pertains to the world of teaching work that I supply in my Mindful self-knowledge program.  

I’m having fun with my summer time break in the meanwhile, the brand new sequence of courses on The Wisdom of Awakening Series: Meditations for developing wisdom around inner-growth, happiness & fulfillment begins on Aug fifteenth/sixteenth. Full program particulars for August beneath the article.

Within the spirit of interior vitality, 


Meditating together with your teenage-self
Definitions of your youthful and teenage self:
The ‘teenage self’ is one among a number of points of our inner-self or psyche that, if we take the time to hook up with, we are able to discover ourselves being enriched in various methods. A few of these methods are therapeutic, as in therapeutic interior wounds and burdens from our teenage previous. Different methods embody connecting to the strengths of our youthful/teenage self that we are able to draw upon in our current stage of life. For instance, at my current age of 51, if I’m nicely related to my interior teenager, then I can draw upon his innate curiosity, ambition and urge for food for all times in a method that different 50-somethings who lack an important connection to their interior teenager can’t!
Our teenage self is totally different from our ‘inner child-self’ (who’s labored with generally in a therapeutic context) within the sense that our interior little one is a pre-sexual being, whereas our interior teenager is an adolescent and subsequently sexually outlined/sexually activated. Consequently, the considerations of the interior little one and teenager, and their views/wants differ considerably.
Under I level out a number of definitions and methods of starting to narrate to your interior teenager.
The youthful or teenage self is that a part of us that has matured from the kid to the early-adult stage of human improvement. It sees the preliminary improvement of an grownup character; it’s involved with issues corresponding to:

  • Defining and distinguishing ourself from others,
  • Urge for food for and ambitions in life,
  • Profession/life targets,
  • Sexuality and romantic relationships
  • Willingness to continue learning new issues

A psychological definition:
The teenage-self is the element of the psyche containing the “character” of the adolescent one as soon as was, with that teenager’s vary of values, feelings, wants and responses; not a generic teenager or common archetype, however a particular, historic one, distinctive to a person’s historical past and improvement.
– Nathaniel Branden, definition taken from the Six Pillars of Self Esteem, web page 265ff.
Meditation pointers for the teenage-self:
Free affiliation: Recall to mind the phrases ‘my teenage, or youthful-self ’. Holding it inside your consciousness permit your thoughts to begin to free –affiliate emotions, pictures, reminiscences, ideas, and needs round your teenage-self. At this stage the principle factor is to deal with being curious as to what kind of reminiscences, emotions and so forth come up once you ponder the thought of your teen self; whether or not these emotions and reminiscences are nice or disagreeable is secondary, the principle factor is solely to see what comes up with out modifying any of the content material.
For those who like you should use the next sentence-stems as departure factors on your free affiliation:

  • After I consider the younger grownup or teenager inside me –
  • One of many issues that I discovered difficult about rising to maturity was –
  • Certainly one of my favorite reminiscences about my teenage or younger grownup life was –

Connecting to your teenage-self: Think about your self in a spot that you simply knew and liked as a youngster. As you sit or stand in that place, think about your teenage self comes to fulfill you there. Spend time together with your teenager, speaking, connecting, and constructing belief. Beginning questions for the interplay would possibly embody:

  • What do you want from me to assist really feel completely happy and safe?
  • Is there something that you simply wish to say to me or supply me at the moment?
  • What do you concentrate on this (select your area) facet of our life?
  • How can we discover extra time for play & exploration in our life collectively?

Like outer teenagers, your interior–teen wants parenting with an acceptable quantity of firmness and love, however with extra freedom and autonomy given than you’ll together with your little one self. By connecting to your inner-teenager you may as well grow to be a greater parental self, each towards your inner-teens, and towards outer youngsters!
Associated articlesMeditating with your child-self
Meditating with your parental-self

© Toby Ouvry 2023, you’re welcome to make use of or share this text, however please cite Toby because the supply and embody reference to his web site

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