Tides of emptiness & fullness – On meditation & being alone – Toby Ouvry Meditation


“The silence, the absence of contact with others, the empty freedom of aloneness is one thing that we will uncover, drop into and be renewed, fed and nurtured by”

Expensive Toby, 

This text appears on the transition from loneliness to the enjoyment of being alone, and provides some methods to work with it in meditation. For those who benefit from the article then it is going to be the topic of sophistication 1 of the brand new  The Wisdom of Awakening Series: Meditations for developing wisdom around inner-growth, happiness & fulfillment begins on Aug fifteenth/sixteenth. You’re welcome to hitch, both stay or on-line!

Within the spirit of  ease in your individual firm,


Tides of vacancy & fullness – On meditation & being alone
Human & mammalian contact
As people and as mammals we naturally crave firm, contact, relational contact. This could make us afraid of being alone, and of aloneness, as a result of the rapid expertise of being alone makes us really feel lonely. This instinctive aversion to alone-ness can stop us from experiencing the pleasure and restorative vitality of being alone.
Meditation – Constructing consolation & ease in your individual firm
Meditation, even after we do it on a gaggle may be very a lot about getting snug being alone and having fun with the expertise of being in our personal firm. Subsequently, as a way to meditate implies a capability to confront and are available to phrases with our loneliness. It means to have the ability to sit with ourselves in a heat, pleasant approach that may feed, quite than drain us energetically.
Encountering & plugging the tide of loneliness
Once we sit alone with ourselves, one purpose that we discover it uncomfortable is that our insecurity typically causes us to start out pondering and reflecting on our life in a unfavourable or imbalanced method that’s disagreeable to expertise. To be alone can typically really feel as if we’re being flooded by a tide of negativity and paranoia which makes us run again to the corporate of others and to being ‘busy’ easy to flee it. Once we sit firstly of meditation then, it may be helpful to ‘plug’ this tide by anchoring our consideration to sensations, pictures and ideas of a benevolent nature, in order that we don’t get swept away or panicked by the movement of lonely, alienating ideas and emotions.
Opening to the empty fullness of aloneness
As soon as we’ve stabilised our place in aloneness utilizing the anchoring to benevolence technique within the above paragraph, we will then begin to let go of ideas and pondering, and chill out into the empty area of being alone within the second. The silence, the absence of contact with others, the empty freedom of aloneness is one thing that we uncover, drop into and be renewed, fed and nurtured by.
Returning to firm
By studying to take pleasure in aloneness, we additionally change our relationship to being with others. We are able to take pleasure in being with others as a complement to our enjoyment of aloneness. Our approach of bonding and forming attachments to others modifications, as we connect with them via a wholesome sense of independence concurrently forming interdependent and enriching bonds with them.
So, in meditation there are actually three levels to this as described above:

  1. Constructing a way of consolation and ease in your individual firm
  2. Stemming the tide of empty loneliness by anchoring to benevolent ideas and pictures
  3. Opening to the empty fullness of aloneness

5-10 minutes on every stage would offer you a 15-30minute meditation to start exploring and having fun with this area.
Lastly, every time you end up alone, you’ll know what to do with it!

Associated articlesDiscovering the pleasure of alone

© Toby Ouvry 2023, you’re welcome to make use of or share this text, however please cite Toby because the supply and embrace reference to his web site www.tobyouvry.com

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